Morano: ’60 Minutes could not have found a more thoroughly discredited doomsday preacher than Paul Ehrlich’

By Chris Woodward

Excerpt: On Sunday, January 1 the CBS “news magazine” featured Paul Ehrlich in a segment claiming the planet is in the midst of a sixth mass extinction and that wildlife is running out of places to live. The 90-year-old Stanford University biologist renowned for his inaccurate doomsday predictions over past decades stated:

“I know there’s no political will to do any of the things that I am concerned with, which is exactly why I and the vast majority of my colleagues think we’ve had it; that the next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we’re used to.”

“… If they tried and spent months on it, ’60 Minutes’ could not have found a more thoroughly discredited doomsday preacher than Paul Ehrlich. This is a man who, in 1969, hinted at sterility drugs in our water and food supply to control our population. He made spectacularly wrong predictions on resource scarcity, on overpopulation, on energy, on oil being available – and every single one of his predictions failed.”

Marc Morano
Climate Depot

Thomas Sowell weighs in on Paul Ehrlich:
