Flashback 2010: Reuters reports on Climategate & UN scandals

https://jp.reuters.com/article/idUSSGE63B06R Excerpt: One high-profile site is climatedepot.com, run by Marc Morano, a former aide to U.S. Republican Senator James Inhofe, who is an outspoken critic of climate change policies. Morano, who told Reuters he had also been the target of abusive emails, has been quoted as saying that climate scientists should be publicly flogged. “The […]

We’re Saved! Greta Thunberg Sues Her Native Sweden for Failing on Climate – Demands governments make the weather better!

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-25/greta-thunberg-sues-sweden-for-climate-change-failure Greta Thunberg Sues Her Native Sweden for Failing on Climate – Climate activist is among 600 plaintiffs in Swedish case Lawsuit part of a wave of climate action targeting governments We are 636 young people in @auroramalet who are suing the Swedish state for insufficient climate action. ”When the state carries out climate policy […]

Death to humans! NYT profiles founder of ‘Voluntary Human Extinction movement’ – ‘Earth Now Has 8 Billion Humans. This Man Wishes There Were None’

https://hotair.com/david-strom/2022/11/23/death-to-humans-n513197 By DAVID STROM Lots of people want to save the Earth, but most of them are concerned about a deteriorating environment leading to human misery and extinction. Les Knight, the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction movement, wants human beings to go extinct in order to save the planet from us. It is an […]

Politico: ‘Can wild turkeys survive climate change?’ – ‘It could be decades before N. American turkeys are climatologically cooked’

https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2022/11/23/can-wild-turkeys-survive-climate-change-00070676 By DANIEL CUSICK and ARIANNA SKIBELL How long does it take to cook a wild turkey? It depends who you ask. A chef will suggest popping that bird in the oven for about two hours. Scientists, on the other hand, say it could be decades before North American turkeys are climatologically cooked. “We know climate change will […]