UN IPCC author disappointed in climate summit: ‘The 1.5C limit remains in intensive care’
#COP27 is over. The 1.5°C limit remains in intensive care as condition deteriorates. A whole year was idled away. No big new climate targets but big support for fossil gas. 𧔠Agreed text: https://t.co/I55saOMWJg — Prof Niklas Höhne – only on blsky mastodon threads (@niklashoehne) November 20, 2022 In the shadow of the energy crisis, […]
BBC reporter calls UN climate summit COP 27 agreement ‘crazy’ – ‘The language on cutting emissions is really disappointing’
UN negotiators agree to pay ‘climate reparations’ to poor nations
https://www.foxnews.com/world/un-negotiators-agree-pay-climate-reparations-poor-nations Some middle-income countries that are severely battered by climate disasters may also receive aid. Representatives and negotiators from nearly 200 countries have reached a historic agreement to pay reparations to poor countries said to be victimized by climate change, though proponents say more is needed to scale back fossil fuels. The deal, gaveled around […]
FTXâs crypto ponzi scam was also a green scam
https://www.netzerowatch.com/ftxs-crypto-ponzi-scam-was-also-a-green-scam/ By Paul Homewood, Net Zero Watch FTX worked hard on its green image, something its founder now admits was just a con One of the biggest financial scandals since Bernie Madoff is brewing in the US. A cryptocurrency exchange called FTX collapsed this week, with estimated debts of $8 billion. It is estimated that up […]
Astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon speaks at the University of Chicago on ‘The Corruption of Environmental Rulemakings at the US EPA’
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/11/19/willie-soon-speaks-at-the-university-of-chicago/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=willie-soon-speaks-at-the-university-of-chicago By Andy May Dr. Willie Soon gave a great presentation at the Federalist Society Chapter at the University of Chicago Law School on November 18, 2022. The title of his talk is: âThe Corruption of Environmental Rulemakings at the US EPA: Climate Change, Mercury Emissions, and Air Qualityâ Willie Soon, 2022 Dr. Soonâs slide […]
We’re Saved! UN climate summit COP27 reaches ‘HISTORIC DEAL’! — But in reality ‘very little has been achieved’
https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2022/11/20/cop27-is-a-downpayment-on-disaster/ By Paul Homewood As usual the BBC paints the latest COP as a âhistoric dealâ! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/science-environment-63656412 Despite the hype, very little has been achieved, as the BBC have to admit: Â Although a fund has been agreed in principle, there is no agreement about how much is put in, or who pays. Crucially […]
Watch: Morano on Canada’s Rebel TV – Climate as a Public Health Threat & Carbon credit cards?! The UN & World Economic Forumâs new climate agenda
https://www.rebelnews.com/carbon_credit_cards_the_world_economic_forum_s_new_climate_agenda On last nightâs episode of The Ezra Levant Show, guest host Sheila Gunn Reid spoke to Marc Morano, creator of ClimateDepot.com, about the World Economic Forumâs plans to use the âCOVID templateâ of micro-monitoring individuals in order to fight climate change. The World Health Organization has declared that climate is the greatest health threat of the twenty-first century, and […]