Watch: Morano on Fox News: The UN believes ‘they have a monopoly on truth’ – ‘Big Tech censorship is Government censorship’ – Unfiltered w/ Dan Bongino

Watch Full Video here & here:   Marc Morano: The Elites Think Climate Is Their ‘Intellectual Property’ MORANO: “The UN believes it’s their intellectual property rights. So if you say anything about The Science, you’re not allowed. They have a monopoly on truth. That is actually their mindset. What is the United Nations climate panel? […]

Monckton & Morano team up for a rare in-person climate/energy debate in London – 2-on-2 debate against Green New Deal-Style policies – October 18, 2022

Monckton & Morano team up for a rare in-person London climate/energy debate. Will be 2-on-2 debate against those pushing energy restrictions on October 18, 2022. "Debate: Economics of Rising Temperatures: Is Global Warming World’s Most Pressing Problem?" — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) September 26, 2022

Buy Today: The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown at CFACT book store GET THE BOOK THE LEFT IS CRYING TEARS OVER! In The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown, bestselling author and publisher, Marc Morano, unveils the origins of the Great Reset, who is behind it, how it is being implemented, and how COVID-19 and the alleged “climate emergency” accelerated its imposition […]

The Media’s Rank Dishonesty About ‘Climate Change’ & Hurricane Ian By Jerome Corsi As Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Michael Mann of the infamous “hockey stick” global warming graph, and Susan Joy Hassol, publisher of Climate Communication’s “Quick Facts,” which are devoted to explaining extreme weather events as anthropogenic catastrophes, rushed an op-ed piece into print. Their opinion piece, published in The Guardian and predictably entitled, “Hurricane Ian Is No Anomaly,” blamed […]

Watch: CSPAN’s Book-TV will feature Morano’s 1 Hour presentation about The Great Reset on October 16 @ 6pm EDT (Repeats Oct. 17)   & The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown # Flashback: Morano on CSPAN Book-TV on JULY 21, 2021 Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think Marc Morano, publisher of, argued that the science on climate change is not settled and legislation… # […]