Biden: "I think the one thing [the hurricane] has ended is the discussion about whether or not there is climate change and we should do something about it."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 5, 2022
Reality Check:
NYTimes Hurricane Analysis is Purposefully Misleading
There’s no statistical or physical reason to produce a chart or data analysis of only Atlantic hurricanes starting in 1970 or 1980. We have data records going back to the 19th century, with reasonable reliability back to 1945, especially with landfalls.
NOAA: “There is no strong evidence of century scale increasing trends in: U.S. landfalling hurricanes, frequency of hurricanes or major hurricanes, or the proportion of hurricanes that reach major hurricane intensity.”
Meteorologists D’Aleo & Bastardi debunk media claims about Hurricanes with data and history
Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo’s charts show declining Florida hurricane trends:
D’Aleo: “The US hurricane trend like Florida is down.”
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi noted: “There were SIX hurricanes that hit the Southern part of Florida, below a line from Tampa to Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic in the last 57 years. If you look at the prior 50 years, there were SIXTEEN strikes!”
The Financial Times reported that “hurricane frequency is on the rise.”
The New York Times claimed, “strong storms are becoming more common in the Atlantic Ocean.”
The Washington Post said, “climate change is rapidly fueling super hurricanes.”
ABC News declared, “Here’s how climate change intensifies hurricanes.”
Both the FT and N.Y. Times showed graphs purporting to show rising hurricane frequency using data from the U.S. government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
All of those claims are false. The increasing cost of hurricane damage can be explained entirely by more people and more property in harm’s way. …