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The New Pause lengthens to 7 years 11 months – No global temperature increase since 2014 By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The New Pause, notwithstanding the much-publicized heatwaves in Britain and some other countries, has lengthened by another month to 7 years 11 months. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the UAH satellite lower-troposphere monthly global mean temperature anomalies has settled into a steady state that may yet be perturbed either […]

Stop The Manchin Green New Deal: Contrary to Manchin’s rhetoric, the deal contains many of most destructive elements of Green New Deal By Alex Esptein Two weeks ago, I praised Senator Joe Manchin for his seemingly courageous opposition to the ruinous Biden anti-fossil-fuel “climate agenda.” I also expressed concern that he would reverse course. Unfortunately, that concern turned out to be prescient, as Manchin has now endorsed an “Inflation Reduction Act” that contains many of the worst elements of […]

In one month of jet travel, Trudeau used enough fuel to power a trucker convoy In July, as calculated by the National Post’s Bryan Passifiume, there were only 11 days where Trudeau was not travelling aboard the official prime ministerial jet. In 20 trips — almost all of which were for photo ops or goodwill visits — Trudeau logged 26,238 kilometres of jet travel. This included a 5,500-km flight to spend […]

Human urine warms the Earth! ‘The voiding of your bladder must be curtailed for the sake of the planet! So says ‘The Science’!’ – Wash Times features Climate Depot: THE PERILS OF PROTEIN A rather straightforward headline in Scientific American voices the latest climate concern in some circles. “Eating too much protein makes pee a problem pollutant in the U.S.,” the publication noted in a new analysis. “In the U.S., people eat more protein than they need to. And though it might not […]