The Supreme Court sharply curtails the authority of the EPA to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change. In a 6-3 ruling, the court sides with conservative states and fossil-fuel companies in adopting a narrow reading of the Clean Air Act.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2022
AP: Supreme Court limits EPA in curbing power plant emissions
SCOTUS Reins in the Power of the EPA
‘EPA loses – America Wins’: Supreme Court rules against overreach by EPA – Statement on the ruling by CO2 Coalition Chair William Happer: “The decision is a very welcome reaffirmation of the Constitutional rights of citizens of the United States. Untouched is the question of whether the Constitution allows Congress to make scientifically incorrect decisions by majority vote, for example: that carbon dioxide, a beneficial gas that is essential to life on Earth, is a pollutant.”
It’s Official: Supreme Court reins in EPA on Clean Power Plan!
ABC White House correspondent Mary Alice Parks tweeted fearfully, “Who is going to save the planet?”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: “Our planet is on fire, and this extremist Supreme Court has destroyed the federal government’s ability to fight back. This radical Supreme Court is increasingly facing a legitimacy crisis, and we can’t let them have the last word.”
CBS Newsman Dan Rather: “Dear Supreme Court, Thanks for nothing. – Planet Earth”
Carlin’s report concluded, ‘We believe our concerns and reservations are sufficiently important to warrant a serious review of the science by the EPA’
‘What will happen as a result is quite predictable: Greatly increased rates for electric power, decreased availability of the electric power so vital to our way of life, decreased reliability of the electric grid, a lower standard of living, decreased competitiveness of US products in world markets since most countries do not have such regulations, and Communist-style central control of the electric generating industry by a Washington-based bureaucracy with no understanding of the industry.’
Dr. Carlin: ‘In the last few years the literature has blossomed with more and more serious damning studies from a climate alarmist viewpoint. Two weeks ago I outlined the nature of the costs being incurred to meet the desires of climate alarmists to reduce human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide.
It is becoming increasingly evident that increases in emissions of CO2 have had no significant effect on temperatures, and that assumptions made by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in related issues fail tests based on the scientific method and sophisticated econometric tests.’
EPA’s Alan Carlin’s new book: ‘Environmentalism Gone Mad’. A must read
Watch: Climatologist explains why EPA Endangerment Finding on CO2 should be vacated
The Scientific Case for Vacating the EPA’s Carbon Dioxide Endangerment Finding
CEI Report: EPA Using Flawed Models as Basis for Regulating Carbon Dioxide – EPA should withdraw from 2009 Endangerment FindingMorano: “Who can blame a judge? for blocking oil and gas drilling due to ‘climate’ – ‘Trump admin. has not challenged CO2 endangerment finding’ – Bush admin ‘rubber-stamped UN’ reports
“This is inevitable – and what I mean by that is the George W. Bush administration did not push back or try to change anything,” argues Marc Morano of Climate Depot. “They rubber-stamped United Nations reports and they never challenged the underpinning of this science that claims that our oil and gas are creating a climate catastrophe.” Morano, Marc (Climate Depot)Morano says Barack Obama came into office and made it worse – and he contends the current administration needs to shoulder some blame as well.
“The Trump administration has not challenged the endangerment finding that the Obama administration implemented that says carbon dioxide is a danger to our atmosphere,” says Morano, “[and] the Trump administration has not yet appointed a presidential commission to reexamine the science.”
Because of that, Morano asks: “Who can blame a judge?” “It’s amazing more judges haven’t come to this ruling,” he continues. “The time has come to officially start challenging the scientific claims of the United Nations and pushing back on this nonsense – and until that happens, I’m not even confident that, if this goes to the Supreme Court, it will go our way at this point.”
Ross McKitrick: Revisiting the EPA Endangerment Finding
60 scientists call for EPA endangerment finding to be reversed
Scientists’ Call for EPA to Immediately Reopen its GHG Endangerment Finding
This Letter from over 60 highly credentialed scientists states that: “We the undersigned are individuals who have technical skills and knowledge relevant to climate science and the GHG Endangerment Finding. We each are convinced that the 2009 GHG Endangerment Finding is fundamentally flawed and that an honest, unbiased reconsideration is in order.”
Steve Milloy: EPA regs based on ‘illegal and scientifically bankrupt endangerment finding’– Statement from Steve Milloy’s
“The Clean Power Plan was based on the Obama EPA’s illegal and scientifically bankrupt endangerment finding.
The Obama EPA made up its mind to condemn CO2 before the endangerment rulemaking began, ignored the ongoing global warming pause and then finalized the finding despite the shocking Climategate emails confirming the scientific corruption of the climate alarmists.
Particularly galling was the Obama-invented “social cost of carbon.” In reality, there is no social cost of carbon because without fossil fuels, society stops.
Ironically, the Obama Clean Power Plan was not justified on the basis of reduced CO2 emissions but on the “co-benefit” of lives saved by reduced particulate matter emissions. The notion that coal plant particulate emissions kill people has now been totally debunked. So the Obama Clean Power Plan has absolutely no legs to stand on.
Kudos to Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt for keeping this vital campaign promise.”
The EPA CO2 endangerment finding endangers the USA
Dennis Avery: U.S. Supreme Court Should Reverse Climate “Endangerment Finding”
Why Revoking the EPA GHG Endangerment Finding Is the Most Urgent Climate Action Needed
Declaration of George T. Wolff, Ph.D. on EPA’s Proposed Endangerment
New Research Report Confirms Invalidation of the EPA’s Endangerment Finding
The Urgency of Revoking the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding– ‘Only if and when Endangerment Finding (EF) revocation occurs can the profound risks posed by climate alarmism be said to have passed in the US.’ – ‘Even if all of the climate-related EPA regulations promulgated by Obama are revoked or otherwise changed, more such regulations can be promulgated in the future as long as the GHG Endangerment Finding remains in effect.’
Renowned Climatologist: ‘You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide’
‘Scientists note that geologically speaking, the Earth is currently in a ‘CO2 famine‘ and that the geologic record reveals that ice ages have occurred when CO2 was at 2000 ppm to as high as 8000 ppm. In addition, peer-reviewed studies have documented that there have been temperatures similar to the present day on Earth when carbon dioxide was up to twenty times higher than today’s levels’
Order Green Fraud here:
Chapter 3 Excerpt: This chapter will take the reader through the facts on the claims about climate, energy, and the environment from the media, UN, and Green New Deal advocates. Princeton professor emeritus of physics Will Happer explained why climate activists are wrong. “Aside from the human brain, the climate is the most complex thing on the planet. The number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable,” Happer said.
The global warming coalition can accurately be called climate change cause deniers. They deny the hundreds of causes and variables that influence climate change and instead try to pretend that carbon dioxide is the climate control knob overriding all the other factors and that every bad weather event is somehow “proof” of “global warming” and an impending climate “emergency.”