NOT A JOKE! The American Physical Society publishes new paper: ‘Observing whiteness in introductory physics: A case study’ – Touts ‘Critical Whiteness Studies’ goal of dismantling whiteness’

Below is the reaction from Statisian Dr. Matt Briggs on his thoughts about the wacky new paper. By William M Briggs – Statistician The American Physical Society publishes the premiere journals in physics. Here’s a new paper: “Observing whiteness in introductory physics: A case study.”… Here’s the opening –  Observing whiteness in introductory […]

‘The Sexism of Climate Change’: ‘Women tend to bear the brunt of climate change’ – But ‘few women make decisions about climate change’ The Sexism of Climate Change Women tend to bear the brunt of climate change effects. Globally, women often grow and process food in climates that are becoming more extreme, gather firewood in regions that are losing trees and collect water as droughts force them further away from their homes, subjecting them to more risk […]