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Former Obama U.S. Treasury official Mark Mazur says quiet part out loud: ‘We don’t want lower prices for fossil-fuel buyers, we prefer higher prices’ to achieve ‘climate change goals’

Excerpt via Bloomberg News – Feb 18, 2022

Bloomberg excerpt: “Former U.S. Treasury official Mark Mazur… agreed a gas-tax holiday “undercuts the administration’s climate change goals — where really to care about fossil-fuel consumption, we don’t want lower prices for fossil-fuel buyers, we prefer higher prices.”

Mark J. Mazur | Tax Policy Center

Mark Mazur



Sampling of climate activists cheering on higher energy prices: 

‘This is a blessing in disguise’: Climate activists happy! ‘Good riddance Nord Stream 2. Now Europe has a golden opportunity to ‘meet global climate goals to keep our planet livable’

Biden admin admits goal is higher gas prices!? Jen Psaki: ‘The rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment & focus on clean energy options’

Jen Psaki says Biden wants to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by using green energy, not by expanding U.S. energy production

Obama called it in 2008! Get ready for electricity prices to ‘necessarily skyrocket’

Flashback 1975: Obama Science Czar John Holdren warned U.S. ‘threatened’ by ‘the hazards of too much energy’– Flashback 1975: Former Obama Science Czar John Holdren Said Real Threat to USA Is Cheap Energy: ‘The U.S. is threatened far more by the hazards of too much energy, too soon, than by the hazards of too little energy, too late.’

John Holdren lamented the masses driving to the store to get beer in 1975! Holdren: “In a society that uses its 5,000-pound automobiles for half-mile round trips to the market to fetch a six-pack of beer, consumes the beer in buildings that are overcooled in summer and overheated in winter, and then throws the aluminum cans away at an energy loss equivalent to a third of a gallon of gasoline per six-pack, this ‘primitive existence’ argument strikes me as the most offensive kind of nonsense.”


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2010: NASA scientist James Hansen endorses book which calls for ‘ridding the world of Industrial Civilization’ – Hansen declares author ‘has it right…the system is the problem’ — Book proposes ‘razing cities to the ground, blowing up dams and switching off the greenhouse gas emissions machine’

2022: Swiss president warns nation to prepare for electricity shortages lasting weeks or months

Flashback: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’ — ‘Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available’
