Watch: Morano on Fox and Friends: The UN IPCC is ‘a political lobbying arm of the UN that pretends to be a science panel’ CFACT’s Marc Morano and publisher of Climate Depot slammed the UN IPCC’s new climate report on Fox and Friends, saying the IPCC is a “political lobbying arm” that “pretends to be a science panel.” Broadcast August 10, 2021 – Fox News Channel # Related: Watch: Morano on Fox News Primetime: ‘The UN […]

Will enviros stay silent?! Billionaires Gates, Bezos & Bloomberg team up to drill for rare earth metals in Greenland needed for electric car batteries – Seek to obtain $1.4 trillion worth of rare natural resources COPENHAGEN, Aug 9 (Reuters) – Mineral exploration company KoBold Metals, backed by billionaires including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, has signed an agreement with London-listed Bluejay Mining (JAY.L) to search in Greenland for critical materials used in electric vehicles. KoBold, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to hunt for raw materials, will pay $15 […]

New report will highlight ‘stark reality’ of warming – But ‘global temperatures, following record El Nino in 2015/16, are no higher now than they were two decades ago’   Climate change: New report will highlight ‘stark reality’ of warming By Paul Homewood Once every five years, the IPCC publishes its latest Assessment Report into the state of the climate. And every five years, governments get together to write their own scary version:   UN researchers are set to publish their strongest […]

UN IPCC report is ‘the result of negotiations between governments. In other words it is a political statement, not a scientific document’ Paul Homewood: As I commented last week, this is the Summary for Policymakers (SPM), the result of negotiations between governments. In other words it is a political statement, not a scientific document. The latter won’t be published until much later, probably long after COP26. And as Guterres makes clear, the whole object of the […]

Analysis: ‘The reality is that our weather is no worse now than it was 150 years ago’ IPCC report is ‘highly subjective projections of what might happen in the future’ The IPCC Summary For Policymakers By Paul Homewood If we ignore all of the alarmist rhetoric in the IPCC’s Summary for Policymakers, the real nitty gritty lies in these four sections:   1) Extreme Rainfall   In fact there are only two areas with sufficient data: a) Central North America It is certainly […]

UN IPCC Is Accurate That Sea Level Rise is ‘irreversible’ — it’s ,been rising for 20,000 years’ by tony heller The IPCC says sea-level rise is irreversible for centuries. This is an accurate statement because sea level has been rising for 20,000 years. Post-Glacial Sea Level.png – Wikimedia Commons×1113) NOAA has six different sea level scenarios. CO-OPS Technical Report They have started providing comparison graphs for US stations. Sea level is rising […]

‘Apocalypse Porn’: ‘The green movement is a doomsday cult. Progressives should have nothing to do with it’ By BRENDAN O’NEILL There’s a new trend online. Forget blacking out your Instagram page to show how much you care for black lives. Never mind bigging up your pronouns. That’s so last month. Right now it’s all about apocalypse porn. Across social media, the caring set are sharing images of the ‘hellfires’ […]