Watch: Green Hypocrisy film – Exposes climate alarmism
Episode 4 of Green Hypocrisy explores so-called clean energy initiatives and the industries profiting off of ideological politicians and their elusive quests for energy utopia. Watch @CandiceMalcolm's exclusive documentary series at #cdnpoli — True North (@TrueNorthCentre) December 12, 2020
Code red: UN calls for urgent shift to planet-friendly development
CO2 emissions and slight warming since 1980 have greened the planet, including increasing crop yields. Doesn't get more 'planet-friendly' than that. 'Code red'? That's the climate communism talking. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 15, 2020 BARCELONA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Under huge pressure from COVID-19, climate change and natural destruction, warning lights for […]
Report: Sen. Whitehouse will be pushing Biden admin to put on investigations & ‘show trials’ of climate skeptics
"inside information that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) will be pushing the Biden administration, calling for prominent climate skeptics, & climate skeptical organizations to be put on investigations & “show trials” for daring to question the consensus" — Tom Nelson (@tan123) December 16, 2020 By Anthony Watts With the likely installation of a Biden […]
Your New Climate 401(k): The 12 most terrifying words in English language: ‘I’m from the govt, & I’m here to help manage your 401k’
The twelve most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help manage your 401k." — American Energy Alliance (@AEA) December 16, 2020 By The Editorial BoardDec. 14, 2020 8:07 pm ET Democrats accuse President Trump of politicizing the Federal Reserve, and sometimes not without cause. But […]
Trump Dept of Energy Redefines the Meaning of ‘Showerhead’ – Ensures they ‘provide enough water for quality showers’ By Craig Bannister A Final Rule issued by the Department of Energy (DOE) redefines “showerhead” in a manner that “ensures access to showerheads that can provide enough water for quality showers,” the DOE announced Tuesday. Today’s change will allow manufacturers to offer consumers new products that can provide more water and more comfort,” the […]
NPR Training: ‘What journalists need to know when covering climate change’ – Urges journalists ‘to help the public understand what’s at stake’ – Calls National Climate Assessment ‘the gold standard’ Climate change is having an ever greater impact on our lives, not just through extreme weather disasters but also in slowly creeping temperatures and wildly variable weather patterns that hurt agriculture, human health, infrastructure, livelihoods and economies. Journalists should be drawing those connections to help the public understand what’s at stake. … When there’s […]
Trump urged to send Paris climate plan to Senate for ratification to block Biden By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Sunday, December 13, 2020 Presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden reiterated his vow Saturday to reenter the Paris climate agreement on the first day of his administration, but that could become a problem if the accord’s foes can ferry it to the Senate first. Conservatives behind the […]
Claim: Climate skeptics ‘have lost the argument’ – Media has ‘gaslighted the world into believing that there was never an argument in the first place’ By James Delinpole “Britain’s weather is getting wilder,” claimed the BBC on a Panorama documentary this week. This is actually untrue — as we’ll see below — but the BBC knows it can get away with blatant lies about climate change these days. Partly, this is because the sensible people who might object stopped […]
Meet ‘climate restoration’ – What if net-zero isn’t enough? Inside the push to ‘restore’ the climate – Seek pre-industrial CO2 levels By Emily Pontecorvo Disagreements about how to tackle the climate crisis abound, but in 2020, it seemed much of the world finally reached consensus about at least one thing: getting to net-zero by 2050, or sooner. Net-zero is a state where greenhouse gases are no longer accumulating in the atmosphere — any emissions must […]
Joe Biden’s Climate Cabinet Emerging
Via Climate Nexus: Joe Biden’s Climate Cabinet: President-elect Joe Biden’s cabinet is beginning to emerge, as yesterday news broke that he is expected to tap former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to lead the Department of Energy, with former EPA head Gina McCarthy to serve a central domestic policy coordination role at the White House. The Department […]