NPR Training: ‘What journalists need to know when covering climate change’ – Urges journalists ‘to help the public understand what’s at stake’ – Calls National Climate Assessment ‘the gold standard’

Climate change is having an ever greater impact on our lives, not just through extreme weather disasters but also in slowly creeping temperatures and wildly variable weather patterns that hurt agriculture, human health, infrastructure, livelihoods and economies. Journalists should be drawing those connections to help the public understand what’s at stake.

When there’s not a specific source or study handy, these facts, compiled by NPR’s climate editors, can provide big-picture context for weather events and other stories. Many are drawn from the latest National Climate Assessment, the gold standard for U.S. climate data until the next such report in 2022.


Russell Cook comments: “Journalists should approach the issue with an objective mind and present the opposing arguments, in order for the public and policymakers to make informed decisions about the issue. The above, of course, should be retitled as “What fake ‘journalists’ need to memorize and propagandize when covering climate change.”



Scientists rip new federal climate report as ‘tripe’ – ’embarrassing’ – ‘systematically flawed’ – Key claim based on study funded by Steyer & Bloomberg

Finally! Trump Admin is ‘listening to the science’ & seeks to rebut previous unscientific ‘extreme scenario’ National Climate Assessment
