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Harris-Pence Debate: Candidates Spar Over Climate Change, Green New Deal Candidates at odds over climate change Pence said he’s proud of the administration’s record on the environment. “Our air and land are cleaner than any time ever recorded,” Pence claimed. “The climate is changing. The issue is: What’s the cause and what can we do about it? President Trump has made it clear that we’re going […]

Watch: Harris, Pence questioned on plans to address climate change in debate Sen. Kamala Harris claimed that the Trump administration doesn’t “believe in science” as she and Vice President Pence are questioned on plans to address climate change during the Vice Presidential Debate.  

Climate event attribution research being used as stealth advocacy – ‘Can be used to help people sue greenhouse gas emitters’ & getting govt’s ‘to start changing their policies’

Climate event attribution research as stealth advocacy — The Honest Broker (@RogerPielkeJr) October 7, 2020 # Yahoo Finance: Supercomputers, simulations, and the new science of extreme weather attribution Excerpt: Dr. Friederike Otto and the World Weather Attribution team studied Harvey and determined that climate change made the rainfall more intense, causing between 12% and 22% […]

Watch: Jane Fonda says ‘COVID is God’s gift to the Left’

Via Free Beacon: Jane Fonda, a Biden campaign surrogate known for fraternizing with enemy soldiers during the Vietnam War, called the coronavirus “God’s gift to the Left.” “I just think that COVID is God’s gift to the Left,” Fonda said. “That’s a terrible thing to say. I think it was a very difficult thing to […]

German Prof: Climate Science Politicized, Exaggerated, Filled With ‘Fantasy’, ‘Fairy Tales’…’Paris Accord Already Dead’ By P Gosselin German professor, co-founder of modern environmental movement, says climate science is exaggerated, filled with fairy tales and believes the Paris Accord is “already dead”.  In an interview with publicist Roland Tichy, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt – one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement – said we have in fact three […]

Claim: ‘No company was set to meet the UN-backed Paris Pact’s goals – Reality: ‘There is no way for any energy company… or even any country… by itself to meet the 2C target’

"No company was set to meet the UN-backed Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 'well below' 2C." There is no way for any energy company… or even any country… by itself to meet the 2C target. Climate makes people talk stupid. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) October 7, 2020