Harris-Pence Debate: Candidates Spar Over Climate Change, Green New Deal


Candidates at odds over climate change

Pence said he’s proud of the administration’s record on the environment.

“Our air and land are cleaner than any time ever recorded,” Pence claimed.

“The climate is changing. The issue is: What’s the cause and what can we do about it? President Trump has made it clear that we’re going to continue to listen to science.”

Pence said the country doesn’t need a $2 trillion Green New Deal, as promoted by former Vice President Joe Biden.

Harris countered Biden has been clear about growing jobs, which is why he will not increase taxes for anyone who makes less than $400,00 a year.

He said he’ll create millions more jobs than Trump, she said.

“Joe understands the west coast of our country is burning, including my home state of California,” she said. “Joe believes, again, in science.”

Harris, a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal in the Senate, said Moody’s, the Wall Street firm, said Biden’s economic plan would create 7 million more jobs than Trump’s, and part of those would be created from the clean and renewable energy industry.

Harris noted that the Trump administration took the word science “off the website.”

“And then took the phrase climate change off the website. We have seen a pattern with this administration which is they don’t believe in science, and Joe’s plan is about saying we’re gonna deal with it, but we’re also going to create jobs,” Harris said.
