A reminder (if one was needed) that most climate deniers are sociopaths. https://t.co/A5mH09u4m5
— Gavin Schmidt (@ClimateOfGavin) September 12, 2020
There is no ‘mode of discourse’ that will make Morano suddenly stop being an awful person who is (well) paid to try to prevent any efforts to reduce fossil fuel use by fair means or foul. So, might as well call it as one sees it.
— Gavin Schmidt (@ClimateOfGavin) September 12, 2020
“Climate denial” is a stupid term, only repeated by stupid people. Try “people who don’t believe in catastrophic human-caused climate change.” That would make you appear to be intelligent. Rather than sucking up to a fear-monger.
— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) September 13, 2020
The same service professionals that pushed global warming are now at the forefront of imposing face masks. Here NASA goon is at it. (Scientifically, he had to be reminded that a valve on a mask is contrary to the memo.) https://t.co/CWtbFFsQ4y
— Denis Rancourt (@denisrancourt) September 13, 2020
Gavin Schmidt’s climate change foibles:
In 2009, Atmospheric scientist Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, a prominent scientist from the Netherlands, wrote a scathing denunciation of Schmidt in which he said he was “appalled” by Schmidt’s “lack of knowledge” and added, “Back to graduate school, Gavin!”
Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv has also been critical. “The aim of [Schmidt’s] RealClimate.org is not to engage a sincere scientific debate. Their aim is to post a reply full of a straw man so their supporters can claim that your point ‘has been refuted by real scientists at RealClimate.org.’
Flashback 2007: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate – NASA’s Gavin Schmidt appeared so demoralized that he mused that debates equally split between believers of a climate ‘crisis’ and scientific skeptics are probably not ‘worthwhile’ to ever agree to again – Schmidt on his teams debate loss: ‘We were pretty dull.’
Climate scientist Dr. Duane Thresher: “Start with defunding NASA GISS where this whole global warming nonsense started. It was started by James Hansen, formerly head of NASA GISS and considered the father of global warming. It was continued by Gavin Schmidt, current head of NASA GISS, anointed by Hansen, and leading climate change warrior scientist/spokesperson.
Thresher rips former colleagues: “Physicists and mathematicians who couldn’t make it in their own fields, like James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt (who actually told me one reason he became a climate scientist was because he couldn’t make it in his degree field of mathematics). People who just wanted instant success as fake heroes or showmen rather than doing years of hard slow obscure real science.”
“NASA GISS is a monument to bad science that truly should be torn down.”
Watch: NASA’s chief climate scientist Gavin Schmidt claims Texans won’t listen to ‘liberal, Jewish atheist from NYC’ about ‘global warming’ – NASA’s Gavin Schmidt: We need less science in climate message to Texas, & ‘more cultural understanding’
‘Now, you know there’s some communities I can’t talk to because, you know, I’m a liberal, Jewish atheist from New York City, right? So if I go to Texas and try and tell people about climate change, I’m totally the wrong messenger, right? Because we don’t have any shared values quite frankly.’