Nancy Pelosi hosts virtual G7 summit with world leaders: ‘The climate crisis is the existential threat of our time’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the parliamentary leaders of the G7 countries issued a joint declaration Saturday warning, “the climate crisis is the existential threat of our time.” Pelosi, D-Calif., hosted the virtual summit with her legislative leader counterparts from Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. The purpose was to devise […]

Speaker of UK House of Commons seeks lockdown-style climate regulations – ‘No-one could ever imagine that we would be wearing masks so readily & that we would all be so compliant’ ‘Dream on!’ Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slapped down for lockdown-style climate change rules THE TYPE of restrictions on daily life introduced to fight coronavirus could command public support if brought in to tackle the threat of climate change, the Speak of the House of Commons has suggested. By DAVID WILLIAMSON, SUNDAY EXPRESS DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR Sir […]

COVID Keeps Proving Deadly to Liberty: ‘Nominally free countries are sliding down a path blazed by authoritarian regimes’ By J.D. TUCCILLE This week, the British government announced limits on gatherings of people who don’t live together to groups of no more than six. Although the restriction seriously attacks freedom of assembly, it barely raised an eyebrow in an era of similar intrusions. How could it stand out when countries around the world are tightening […]

Analysis: To stop wildland fires, forestry, not climate policy, is the priority – ‘Temperature & precipitation data show a poor correlation to the intensity of fire seasons’ in Washington state By TODD MYERS Smoke from forest fires filled the air in Western Washington and immediately the finger of blame was pointed at climate change. Prior to the recent fires, the 2020 fire season had been extremely quiet. No matter how the season ends, however, blaming climate change is politics, not science. Not all the lands […]

Man-made West Coast wildfires By Peter Murphy The vast spread of wildfires in the nation’s three Pacific Coast states—California, Oregon and Washington—are the fault of politicians, bureaucrats and green interest groups. In other words, they are man-made.  The tragic result is that men, women and children have died. “Climate change,” man-made or natural, is emphatically not the reason for […]

Bill Gates: ‘Climate change has the potential to be even more devastating’ than COVID – ‘We need to get to zero net ghg emissions in every sector of the economy within 50 years’ How do we move around in a zero-carbon world? By Bill Gates Earlier this month, I wrote about how COVID-19 is a cautionary tale for climate change. There’s no doubt that we have experienced terrible suffering and economic hardship over the last several months. But as hard as it is to imagine right now when […]