NASA scientist Dr. Kate Marvel links ‘climate change’ to ‘white supremacy’ – ‘We’ll never head off climate catastrophe without dismantling white supremacy’ – Calls for climate & racial ‘justice’

Another NASA climate scientist has revealed their politics and waded into racially charged linkages between “climate justice” and “racial justice.” and “white supremacy.” NASA’s Dr. Kate Marvel declared on June 1: “Climate justice and racial justice are the same thing, and we’ll never head off climate catastrophe without dismantling white supremacy.” Marvel is an Associate […]

UK Met Office’s claims: ‘The human fingerprint is everywhere’ – Point-by-point rebuttal: ‘The facts, however, tell a different story’ By Paul Homewood h/t Dennis Ambler The human fingerprint on the climate is now unmistakable and will become increasingly evident over the coming decades, the UK Met Office has confirmed after 30 years of pioneering study. Since the 1990s, global temperatures have warmed by half a degree, Arctic sea ice has shrunk by almost […]

Renewable Energy Threatens Thousands Of ‘Globally Important Biodiversity Areas’ – And It’s Worsening By Kenneth Richard on 1. June 2020 An “especially worrying” new study finds 2,206 onshore wind, hydropower, and solar PV energy generation facilities have “already encroached on many of the world’s most important places for conserving biodiversity”, degrading 886 protected areas, 749 key biodiversity areas, and 40 distinct wilderness areas. Image Source: Rehbein et al., 2020 Even more […]

End Of May Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Highest In Five Years… No Evidence Of Warming Or Melting By P Gosselin on 31. May 2020 Over the past 40 years of satellite observation, Antarctic sea ice defied global warming predictions and gained impressively. The mean temperature of the southern ice cap also shows no warming. In 2017, after decades of inconvenient rise, sea ice extent suddenly fell to record low level and panic activity among […]

Public Manipulation: German ARD Television Using Red Hot Weather Charts For Showing Cool Temperatures By P Gosselin on 2. June 2020 German public television is splashing red on its weather forecast charts to make people think it’s hot.  At Facebook, Akinom Dnagiew posted two fascinating side-by-side weather charts used by German ARD public television for weather forecasting: “Do you feel manipulated.” Image: ARD Readers will notice how in 2009 a calm, […]

Warmist Hayhoe’s takedown by Friends of Science Hayhoe takedown by Friends of Science By David Wojick |June 1st, 2020|Climate|23 Comments If Greta Thunberg is an alarmist princess then Katherine Hayhoe is the queen of climate alarmism, at least in the U.S. and Canada. She was the de facto spokesperson for the atrocious third National Climate Assessment. After that she started doing bogus “Here’s […]

CFACT Makes It Official: The Virginia Clean Energy Act is a Disaster By Collister Johnson |June 2nd, 2020|Energy, Environment|2 Comments Over the last two weeks, four experienced CFACT analysts – David Wojick, Paul Driessen, Charles Battig, and myself – have reviewed the Virginia Clean Energy Act (VCEA), passed in April of this year, and commented both on the legal framework it provides for electric energy production in the Commonwealth […]

Claim: George Floyd Protests Are Linked to Climate Change: ‘People with fewer resources & less power & who are more oppressed are going to be people deeply affected by climate’ Guest essay by Eric Worrall Who didn’t see this coming? Faith Communities Connect Floyd Protests, Climate Change June 2, 2020 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — An interfaith group working to slow climate change says there is a link between ending reliance on fossil fuels and the protests taking place across the country. The COVID-19 pandemic […]

Car Subsidies vs Climate Subsidies: Germany Divided Over Stimulus Plans Car Subsidies vs Climate Subsidies: Germany Divided Over Stimulus Plans The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 6h German ministers met Tuesday to thrash out an economic stimulus package to speed recovery from the coronavirus shutdown, with the vital auto industry and possible subsidies for it a key sticking point. Luisa […]

The 2006 Origins of the Lockdown Idea: ‘A high-school science experiment’ that was ‘propelled not by science but politics’ Jeffrey A. Tucker – May 15, 2020 Print Share: FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestEmailShare Now begins the grand effort, on display in thousands of articles and news broadcasts daily, somehow to normalize the lockdown and all its destruction of the last two months. We didn’t lock down almost the entire country in 1968/69, 1957, or 1949-1952, or even during 1918. But in […]