‘Fair And Balanced’ Not Necessarily The Goal For Environmental Reporters Says Society of Environmental Journalists

Link to Story: https://westernwire.net/fair-and-balanced-not-necessarily-the-goal-for-environmental-reporters-says-sej/ Watch the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u-jEwd45Og&feature=emb_logo Watch the Full SEJ Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7p1DxjGIj0 ‘Fair And Balanced’ Not Necessarily The Goal For Environmental Reporters Says SEJ BY ERIN MUNDAHL MAY 15, 2020 COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn may have pushed the 2020 elections out of the headlines temporarily, but leading environmental attorneys and activists have already assembled […]

Watch: Psychic Greta Thunberg Warns of Climate Destruction in Pearl Jam Music Video – Greta plays a fortune teller

https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/05/15/psychic-greta-thunberg-warns-of-climate-destruction-in-pearl-jam-music-video/ By BEN KEW Greta Thunberg stars in the music video for Pearl Jam’s environmental doom tune “Retrograde.” The teenage climate alarmist plays a fortune teller warning of imminent climate destruction, the video’s director revealed. The animated music video sees a man visit a fortune-teller who presents him with a crystal ball. As the man gazes into […]

Trudeau Hikes Global-Warming Tax During Height Of Pandemic

https://climatechangedispatch.com/trudeau-hikes-global-warming-tax-during-height-pandemic/ by Rex Murphy Everyone to their cost knows Canada has been more or less shut down for over two months. Hardly any part of business or industry has been spared. I read somewhere that the talismanic barometer so beloved by the Greens — our so-called “carbon emissions” — is expected to be down by […]

Not Guilty! Jurist Legal News Prosecutes False Case Against Climate, Hunger

https://climaterealism.com/2020/05/not-guilty-jurist-legal-news-prosecutes-false-case-against-climate-hunger/ By H. Sterling Burnett Jurist Legal News is doing its best Michael Avenatti impression, prosecuting false claims that climate change is causing hunger and malnutrition. In a May 14 article, “The Link Between Climate Change and Human Health,” Indian law students Sakshi Agarwal and Aniket Sachan quote speculative World Health Organization (WHO) predictions as proof […]

Geologist: The ‘Lockdown Depression is giving us a taste of ‘Zero Emissions.’ It is a bitter taste’

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/digging_the_lockdown_hole_deeper.html Digging the lockdown hole deeper By Viv Forbes The Lockdown Depression is rushing toward us.  Many in politics, media, and industry are digging the hole deeper, some through panic and ignorance, others cynically pushing anti-industry agendas or serving vested interests. We will never rebuild our industries and jobs with locks, chains, hobbles, handcuffs, or handouts.  We need […]

Greenie Elon Musk is rallying voters to vote for Trump

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/elon_musk_is_rallying_voters_to_vote_for_trump.html By Monica Showalter Greenie car manufacturer Elon Musk, who has 34 million Twitter followers, has effectively told them all to go vote for President Trump, using a popular vernacular expression: Elon Musk ✔@elonmusk Take the red pill 479K 1:44 PM – May 17, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 127K people are talking about this Fox News […]

The Virus Lockdown is a Colossal Blunder: ‘Undoubtedly the greatest marginalization of personal liberty in American history’ 

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/05/the_wuhan_virus_lockdown_is_a_colossal_blunder.html By Steve McCann The Wuhan Virus pandemic is not the most significant crisis in our nation’s history.  It isn’t even the greatest public health crisis in our history.  But with the imposition of a near total national lockdown it is undoubtedly the greatest marginalization of personal liberty in American history. Over the centuries, in virtually […]

The Scientism Virus: ‘Scientists have become the collective witch doctors of contemporary society’

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/05/the_scientism_virus.html By Anthony J. DeBlasi The perception that science is an “objective and verifiable” approach to knowledge, free of bias and beholden to no philosophy is flawed. That scientists have a firm grip on the physical world is not in dispute. But just what it is they are grasping remains unknown, given the necessity of reducing […]

‘The Danger of Letting Lab Coats Run the World’ – ‘World’s leaders were stampeded over the lockdown cliff like so many lemmings’

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/05/the_danger_of_letting_lab_coats_run_the_world.html By Bill Dunne It should be clear by now that most of the world’s leaders were stampeded over the lockdown cliff like so many lemmings.  What caused the stampede is even more remarkable: a tiny coterie of obscure, soft-spoken epidemiologists in white lab coats playing with numbers. Americans trying to keep up with the torrid pace […]

Fear kills: ‘The media’s deranged fearmongering over Covid-19 has had terrible consequences’

https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/05/15/fear-kills/ By Brendan O’NEILL The media in this country have no shame. For two months they’ve been ramping up fear and hysteria over Covid-19. They predicted apocalypse. They reported the daily death tolls like gleeful grim reapers. They said hospitals would be overwhelmed. They interviewed doctor after doctor and nurse after nurse who told us […]