Michael Moore turns on climate left with film skewering green energy

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/24/michael-moore-turns-climate-left-film-skewering-gr/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Friday, April 24, 2020 Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore is under attack from his putative climate allies with a newly released documentary taking on one of the sacred cows of the environmental movement: green energy. “Planet of the Humans,” released this week free of charge on YouTube to coincide with Earth Day, argues […]

Morano: Climate alarmists want their piece of the COVID pie – ‘Climate activists are jealous of all the attention & govt reaction’ that the coronavirus is receiving

https://onenewsnow.com/science-tech/2020/04/24/morano-climate-alarmists-want-their-piece-of-the-covid-pie By Chris Woodward (OneNewsNow.com) Excerpts: USA Today’s Doyle Rice wrote this week that “50 years after the first Earth Day, we are in the midst of a pandemic, and we need science more than ever.” Climate Depot’s Marc Morano – a skeptic of catastrophic, man-made climate change – contends that the so-called “alarmists” are […]

UPDATE: Film Distributor backs down from censorship after blowback! ‘We don’t want to give the film extra publicity’ – Michael Moore’s film exposing ‘green’ energy con faced BANNING! Distributor was set to take ‘the film down’

1) I just received notice that the distributor of Michael Moore's #PlanetoftheHumans is taking the film down due to misinformation in the film. Thank you to @FilmsForAction for responding to our demand for a retraction and an apology from @mmflint.See below. And thank you to… pic.twitter.com/3ZzkLhTVyC — Josh Fox ✡️ 🤌🤘 (@joshfoxfilm) April 24, 2020 […]

How Hollywood Celebrated Earth Day: Tree Hugging, Mourning ‘Mama’, Trump-Bashing

https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/04/22/how-hollywood-celebrated-earth-day-tree-hugging-mourning-mama-trump-bashing/ By ALANA MASTRANGELO The leftist, millionaire Hollywood elite took to their social media accounts to celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday, with some posting actually tree-hugging photos. Alyssa Milano used the Chinese coronavirus to push green energy policies, while others honored and gave thanks to “Mama” earth. Actor Robert Downey Jr. announced the launch of […]

CNN’s Bill Weir lashes out at ‘sh*tty’ report of his claim coronavirus helped humanity with ‘global warming’

https://www.theblaze.com/news/cnn-bill-weir-coronavirus-global-warming Weir also said that coronavirus came from deforestation Image Source: YouTube screenshot BY CARLOS GARCIA CNN’s climate correspondent Bill Weir lashed out at a report about his odd claims that the coronavirus pandemic was helping humanity deal with global warming, and that the virus was caused by deforestation. Ditch the fake news ==> Click […]

It’s All Over For Europe’s Green Deal As Angela Merkel’s MEPs Say ‘It’s No Longer Viable’

https://www.thegwpf.com/its-all-over-for-eu-green-deal-as-angela-merkels-meps-say-its-no-longer-viable/ By Fokus Magazin Berlin. Opposition to the EU’s Green Deal promoted by EU Commission leader Ursula von der Leyen is growing among Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU MEPs in the European Parliament. Markus Pieper is the leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic CDU/CSU parliamentary party in the European Parliament The leader of the Parliamentary Party Markus Pieper […]

CNN explores ‘perception’ that coronavirus has ‘helped humanity’ fight global warming

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cnn-explores-perception-that-coronavirus-has-helped-humanity-fight-global-warming by Spencer Neale  | April 23, 2020 12:59 PM CNN’s chief climate correspondent Bill Weir said there is some “good” that could arise from the coronavirus pandemic. A segment that aired Thursday morning explored how certain environmental conditions are improving, including reports of Indians being able to see the Himalayan mountains “for the first time […]

Eco-manslaughter: Financiers of misery

https://www.cfact.org/2020/04/21/financiers-of-misery-part-1/ By Paul Driessen | The UN Food and Agriculture Organization, anti-development banks, the Agency for International Development (USAID), NGO (non-government organization) pressure groups and other eco-imperialists are properly condemned for using their money. Additionally their power, and control over trade and lending to keep millions of African, Asian and Latin American families from having access to reliable, affordable […]

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Fossil fuel industry shutdown contradicts alarmist agenda

https://www.cfact.org/2020/04/22/fossil-fuel-industry-shutdown-contradicts-alarmist-agenda/ By Joe Bastardi Three reasons for this. 1) We can see how much misery there is with a shutdown economy. The relationship between the economy and energy is synergistic. The economy does not go without energy. If the economy tanks there is no demand for energy and with it a large portion of jobs. […]

Virginia raises energy costs – Will impose ‘clean’ energy mandates on the state’s residents

https://www.cfact.org/2020/04/16/virginia-raises-energy-costs-tomorrow/ By Peter Murphy |April 16th, 2020|Climate, Energy|78 Comments Kermit the Frog of Sesame Street fame got it wrong. It is easy “being green.” Being environmentally green means you can promise “clean” energy in the future, make it sound simple and seamless, and ignore the higher costs and impracticality of it all. Politicians in the Commonwealth of Virginia are the latest example of […]