Peter Hitchens rails: Prof. Ferguson & Imperial College have now dropped their coronavirus death predictions from 500,00 to 20,000 to today’s 5,700 – ‘Could *anyone* else have shifted so totally, so fast, and still be taken seriously? It makes Monty Python look serious’
Professor Ferguson and Imperial College have now dropped their coronavirus death predictions from 500,00 to 20,000 to today's 5,700: . Could *anyone* else have shifted so totally, so fast, and still be taken seriously? It makes Monty Python look serious. — Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah) March 28, 2020
Why are doomsaying experts, who always get it wrong, still the media’s favorites? By Jack Hellner A couple of weeks ago we saw media outlets report that “experts” predicted that 500,000 would die in Great Britain and two million in the U.S. Now those wild made-up predictions have been lowered to 20,000 or below in Britain and to 80,000 in the U.S. Here’s the news item: Imperial College scientist who predicted […]
Professor writes NBC News OpEd: ‘Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our planet’s future’ March 27, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT By Adam Frank, professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester We’ve been living in a dream. We climb into jet planes and fly across continents, never giving the accomplishment a second thought. We drive to grocery stores, assuming the shelves will be stocked with endless boxes of food. […]
Trump pins coronavirus hope on a climate skeptic – Prez turns to ‘a French virologist with a history of criticizing climate science to offer the world hope’ By Scott Waldman, E&E News reporter Climatewire President Trump has turned to a French virologist with a history of criticizing climate science to offer the world hope amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. Last week, Trump tweeted that the combination of two medicines could dramatically alter the often deadly course of COVID-19. “HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, […]
BBC: The ‘climate doomers’ preparing for society to fall apart – Forget Coronavirus — ‘We’re all going to die’ from ‘climate change’! By Jack Hunter BBC News Within the next five to 10 years, she says, climate change is going to cause it to fall apart. “I don’t see things lasting any longer than that.” … Rachel is unsure about how much to tell her three daughters. “I don’t say to them that in five years […]
‘Career staff is sabotaging’ Trump administration’s efforts to reform Obama era environmental rules
Milloy in NYTImes: "It’s been obvious since the beginning of the Trump administration that the career staff is sabotaging the rulemakings, deliberately seeding them with numbers that can help the enviros sue.” — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 27, 2020
Delingpole: Fear of the Coronavirus Is Worse Than the Disease By JAMES DELINGPOLE Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for Coronavirus, making him the first world leader known to have contracted the disease. I’m glad that he has it — not because I wish him ill but because as I explain here you usually feel so much better once you have recovered, which I certainly […]
Statistician Dr Matt Briggs: ‘Coronavirus Update — Calm Yourselves’ – ‘Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing from ‘experts’ By Dr. Matt Briggs Shut down the world for eight months! Hey, if in Cuomo’s words it “saves just one life”, let alone 5.34 million, it will have been worth it. Week ending 14 March, “CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 38 million flu illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations […]
Oxford history prof Peter Frankopan : ‘One beneficiary [of coronavirus] will be the climate: after all, the world’s lungs are already breathing more easily thanks to the collapse of industrial production’
Ivory Tower Jackass of the Day: Oxford history prof @PeterFrankopan: "One beneficiary [of the pandemic] will be the climate: after all, the world’s lungs are already breathing more easily thanks to the collapse of industrial production." Idiot. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 27, 2020
Analysis Claims: Anthony Fauci, the NIH’s face of the coronavirus, is a ‘deeply embedded administrative state hack’
Anthony Fauci, the NIH’s face of the coronavirus By Peter Barry Chowka Anthony Fauci, M.D., the 79-year old head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has become the #1 point man on the government’s role in the coronavirus crisis. Fauci has worked for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) his entire professional life. In […]