Full Report here: https://www.rossmckitrick.com/uploads/4/8/0/8/4808045/climategate.10yearsafter.pdf
@RossMcKitrick and I have written up reflections on Climategate 10 years later, focusing on the myths promulgated by climate academic community. Take a look.https://t.co/wY5vRMBg10
— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) December 5, 2019
2/ Climategate contains important lessons on how institutions evade responsibility through sly and carefully restrictive terms of reference, unrepresentative inquiry teams, and wrongheaded findings – relevant caveats in the week before Horowitz
— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) December 5, 2019
Steve is also interviewed in a very good video by John Robson on the Hide the Decline emailshttps://t.co/zawAGPZEua
— Ross McKitrick (@RossMcKitrick) December 5, 2019
Steve McIntyre and I have written a retrospective and evaluation of the issues raised by Climategate and the inquiries that followed from it:
- Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick (2019) Climategate: Untangling Myth and Reality 10 Years Later.
It’s hard to believe that a decade later the controversies are still resonating, even to the point of having bearing on a decision of the US Supreme Court last week (via a point made by Justice Alito in his dissent), as well as a decision this past summer in a BC court pertaining to the dismissal of a defamation case. We discuss these things and many many more. We had hoped to write a short summary of a few key items, but ended up going deep into some topics that are still pertinent and subject to widespread misunderstanding and misinformation.
Full Report here: https://www.rossmckitrick.com/uploads/4/8/0/8/4808045/climategate.10yearsafter.pdf