Greta’s Yacht Back To Europe Is A Planet Destroyer Greta’s Yacht Back To Europe Is A Planet Destroyer Climate Change Dispatch / by Joel Glass / Yes, dear readers, as it turns out, the 45-foot yacht Greta chose to carry her back across the Atlantic is a planet destroyer. At least, that’s how global warming alarmists will see it. Checking the product specifications […]
European Groups Call On MEPs To Reject ‘Climate Emergency’ Vote European Groups Call On MEPs To Reject ‘Climate Emergency’ Vote The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 7h A group of European organisations is calling on MEPs to reject a motion to announce a ‘climate emergency’ when the European Parliament votes on it tomorrow. The European Climate Realist Network (ECRN) is […]
More Real Data Totally Contradict Fake Media… Show Scandinavia, Ireland NOT WARMING Over Past Decades More Real Data Totally Contradict Fake Media… Show Scandinavia, Ireland NOT WARMING Over Past Decades NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 1h By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Global warming alarmists like to tell us the planet is warming faster and faster. Yet, when we look objectively at the […]
Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer has new study: Methane has ‘immeasurably small’ impact on climate Will Happer is back. This time he’s fighting methane rules CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / 2h By Scott Waldman A climate skeptic with ties to the White House is back — this time as the co-author of a new paper that could help the Trump administration roll back climate rules. William Happer, an […]
Pat Sajak mocks climate activists: ‘In order to save our planet, I’m asking everyone in America who’s 73-years-old or older to join me in pledging not to have any more children’ Leftists: To Save The Planet, Stop Having Children. Pat Sajak Has A Hilarious Suggestion. The Daily Wire / by Hank Berrien / This week, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, 73, having taken notice of the unhinged climate alarmists on the Left who have decided to avoid having children in order to save the […]
Watch: Morano debates warmist on Fox – Football climate protests and absurdity of ‘climate emergency’
Marc Morano Appears on Fox Nation’s ‘Reality Check’ To Discuss Climate Change Host: David Webb Fox NationGuest: Marc Morano, Cathy Areu# Activists Disrupt Harvard-Yale Rivalry Game To Protest Climate Change Harvard-Yale climate change protest at football game sees 42 charged, officials say Harvard student blasts climate change protesters for delaying Harvard-Yale football game with ’empty […]
Farmers bring central Dublin to a halt with tractor protest against ‘climate change initiatives’ – ‘We can’t keep getting blamed for climate change’ DUBLIN (Reuters) – Farmers shut down busy parts of central Dublin for a second successive day on Wednesday by parking dozens of tractors in the streets to protest against low beef prices and climate change initiatives they say are unfair. Protesting farmers Seamus McCaul, Mary Cooney and Frankie McCaul from Cavan hold a sign […]
This comedian has the most hilarious response to climate change hysteria by Madeline Fry The average person’s most mundane decisions have been overcome by climate change hysteria. You don’t always recycle? You’re terrible. You like to eat meat? You’re killing the planet. You hope to have children someday? The anti-climate change devotees will come for you. When seminary students are confessing their climate sins to […]
In US, climate anxiety churns up psychological storm – ‘Climate anxiety’ booths set up in public spaces Washington (AFP) – In the melting Arctic, communities are racing to maintain their way of life. In the rising Pacific, residents are sounding alarm bells. And in Rhode Island, Kate Schapira and her husband are not having a baby. Fears about climate change are prompting worldwide action, but one knock-on effect in the United […]