Polar bear expert purged for finding no bear crisis

https://mailchi.mp/cfact/polar-bear-expert-purged?e=a504314008 Polar bear expert purged By Craig Rucker Global warming campaigners have done an effective job at convincing the media and much of the world that polar bears are dying out. It’s not true. In fact, thanks to a hunting ban, polar bears are a major conservation success story.  Their population ballooned from around 5,000 […]

#MeToo Double Standard? Jane Fonda’s long embrace makes male news anchor visibly uncomfortable – Fonda affectionately touched him to demonstrate how she would seduce Trump on climate

Watch Video here: (Fonda moves in for her seduction demonstration of Trump beginning at 7:25 into the video.) WUSA9 Channel 9 – Washington DC – October 11, 2019 interview Washington DC’s WUSA Channel 9 news anchor Bruce Johnson appeared to be somewhat  uncomfortable as actress Jane Fonda invaded his space and wrapped her arm around […]

Top IPCC’s paleoclimatologist agrees that Mann’s hockey-stick papers were wrong

https://motls.blogspot.com/2019/10/top-ipccs-paleoclimatologist-agrees.html the reference frame Top IPCC’s paleoclimatologist agrees that Mann’s hockey-stick papers were wrong Two days ago, Tom Nelson (via Willie Soon) informed us about some juicy revelation: Tom Nelson@tan123 “News scoop” by McIntyre 1:00:50!: In 2006, current IPCC co-chair Valerie Masson-Delmotte told McIntyre that she “agreed w. our criticism of Mann’s work” but asked […]

The Excommunication of polar bear expert Susan Crockford

https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/10/16/the-excommunication-of-susan-crockford/ The Excommunication of Susan Crockford Not A Lot Of People Know That / by Paul Homewood By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn Donna Laframboise brings shameful news from the University of Victoria: Like geologist Bob Carter before her, Susan Crockford has been stripped of her Adjunct Professor status by a university with which she […]

Future Climate Hysteria: Claim: Within 20 Years, You’ll Eat Insect Pizza Willingly

https://climatechangedispatch.com/climate-hysteria-insect-pizza/ Future Climate Hysteria: Within 20 Years, You’ll Eat Insect Pizza Willingly Climate Change Dispatch / by JIM TREACHER / As disgraced movie and culture critic Sonny Bunch has noted, environmentalists make good movie villains because they want to make your life worse. Climate cultists hate humanity and feel guilty for being part of it, […]

German Energy Expert Warns Of ‘Deindustrialized Germany’ – ‘Chinese Laughing Their Heads Off’

https://notrickszone.com/2019/10/18/german-energy-expert-warns-of-deindustrialized-germany-chinese-laughing-their-heads-off/ German Energy Expert Warns Of “Deindustrialized Germany” …”Chinese Laughing Their Heads Off” NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 3h Usually shunned by the German mainstream media, today moderate, rational voices on the issue of climate change are beginning to be heard on the air waves once again. This […]

More than just whale food: krill’s influence on CO2 and global climate

http://co2coalition.org/2019/10/18/more-than-just-whale-food-krills-influence-on-co2-and-global-climate/ More than just whale food: krill’s influence on CO2 and global climate CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition From: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Antarctic krill are well-known for their role at the base of the Southern Ocean food web, where they’re food for marine predators such as seals, penguins and whales. Less […]

“Another point of view: Is global warming worth the anxiety on our young people?”

http://co2coalition.org/2019/10/18/another-point-of-view-is-global-warming-worth-the-anxiety-on-our-young-people/ “Another point of view: Is global warming worth the anxiety on our young people?” CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / The article below, by Village News publisher Julie Reeder, appeared on September 27, 2019 athttps://www.villagenews.com/story/2019/09/26/national/another-point-of-view-is-global-warming-worth-the-anxiety-on-our-young-people/57690.html The response by Teresa Platt, which follows the original article, was published on October 11, 2019 athttps://www.villagenews.com/story/2019/10/10/opinion/re-another-point-of-view-is-global-warming-worth-the-anxiety-on-our-young-people-village-news-92619/57892.html There are […]

Extinction Rebellion: Metro Climate Protest Attackers were Stressed by Ecological Collapse

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/10/18/extinction-rebellion-metro-climate-protest-attackers-were-stressed-by-ecological-collapse/ Extinction Rebellion: Metro Climate Protest Attackers were Stressed by Ecological Collapse Watts Up With That? / by Eric Worrall / 5h Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to Extinction Rebellion’s official website, the angry commuters who attacked the protestors holding up their train reacted violently to the protest because they are stressed by climate […]

The Green New Deal wants us to capture every inefficient breeze

https://www.cfact.org/2019/10/18/the-green-new-deal-wants-us-to-capture-every-inefficient-breeze/ The Green New Deal wants us to capture every inefficient breeze CFACT – / by Dr. Jay Lehr / 9h Can wind power replace fossil fuels with the help of even less productive solar energy? The answer is no. The post The Green New Deal wants us to capture every inefficient breeze appeared first […]