CEI: Trump Administration Environmental Agenda Focuses on Stewardship, not Alarmist Policies
https://cei.org/content/trump-administration-environmental-agenda-focuses-stewardship-not-alarmist-policies Trump Administration Environmental Agenda Focuses on Stewardship, not Alarmist Policies July 8, 2019 WASHINGTON, DC — In a speech today at the White House, President Trump touted his administration’s record of defending the environment and simultaneously expanding the development of energy sources that will lower costs for consumers. Director of CEI’s Center for […]
War on AC: ‘Air-conditioning is unhealthy, bad, miserable, & sexist’ – ‘Dependence on air conditioning & intolerance of heat is a First World learned behavior’
Atlantic Mag writer: https://twitter.com/TaylorLorenz/status/1147879487121559553 https://uproxx.com/viral/air-conditioning-debate/ A Debate Over Whether Air Conditioning Should Be Banned Has People Fired Up As summers feel like they’re growing increasingly warmer (and people are talking climate change), Americans are relying more and more on air conditioning to stay cool — compared to say, even three or four decades ago. And […]
Trump Administration Touts Record On The Environment
https://dailycaller.com/2019/07/08/trump-administration-environmental-policy-event/ By AMBER ATHEY The Trump administration touted its record on promoting a clean environment on Monday, providing a counter narrative to Democratic claims that the White House has not appropriately addressed climate change. President Donald Trump spoke at an event Monday afternoon celebrating his administration’s accomplishments on environmental policy in the White House’s East […]
Watch: Trump delivers remarks on America’s environmental leadership
Trump avoids ‘climate change’ in speech on environmentalism
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-to-tout-environmental-stewardship-in-speech/ BY ARDEN FARHI, KATHRYN WATSON President Trump touted his administration’s environmental stewardship in a speech in the East Room Monday. It’s a topic the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates bring up almost daily, but not one Mr. Trump often addresses. But a White House fact sheet obtained by CBS News ahead of the speech did […]
UK Guardian: Trump touts environmental record ‘despite slashing climate regulations’
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/08/donald-trump-climate-speech-environment In a White House speech, the president claimed clean air and water has been a priority but voters disapprove of his climate crisis handling Emily Holden in Washington Mon 8 Jul 2019 16.56 EDT Donald Trump speaks on the environment at the White House. Photograph: Alex Brandon/AP Donald Trump has proclaimed America to be an environmental […]
Analysis: Alarmism Is Now a Real Economic Threat to the US
http://www.carlineconomics.com/archives/5068 By Alan Carlin | July 7, 2019 Climate alarmism is probably the most insidious, largest, and most dangerous scam ever perpetrated on the American public and most of the developed world. Unless brought down by reality, it is now reaching such dimensions that it could even end the position of the current developed countries as the primary […]
CNN OPED Calls for the Elimination of the US Nuclear Arsenal, Because ‘Climate Change’
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/07/07/cnn-calls-for-the-elimination-of-the-us-nuclear-arsenal-because-climate-change/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to CNN, if the USA and other nations do not eliminate their nuclear weapons climate change will trigger a nuclear war. Climate change isn’t our only existential threat By Ira Helfand Updated 1907 GMT (0307 HKT) July 6, 2019 (CNN) America confronts a long list of critical problems […]
Global greening is happening faster than climate change, and it’s a good thing
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/07/05/global-greening-is-happening-faster-than-climate-change-and-its-a-good-thing/ By Matt Ridley REJOICE IN THE LUSH GLOBAL GREENING CO2 is plant food. The greening of the earth means more food for animals and greater crop yields for humans. Why is no one talking about it? Amid all the talk of an imminent planetary catastrophe caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, another fact is often […]
Scientists: Humans Perform As Well Or Better When Exposed To High (5000-15000 ppm) vs. Low CO2 Concentrations
https://notrickszone.com/2019/07/08/scientists-humans-perform-as-well-or-better-when-exposed-to-high-5000-15000-ppm-vs-low-co2-concentrations/ By Kenneth Richard on 8. July 2019 A new paper finds the performance of test-taking (cognitive, decision-making) “astronaut-like” subjects exposed to 5000 ppm CO2 was “similar to or exceeded” the performance of those exposed to baseline (600 ppm). This study follows up on a 2018 paper that determined submariners exposed to 15000 ppm CO2 performed just as […]