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Priceless crisis: Why Dems don’t really want a primary debate on climate – ‘Would instantly turn into a high risk competition to outbid each other’ Priceless crisis By David Wojick |June 21st, 2019|Energy|6 Comments Having hitched their wagon to the unicorn of climate catastrophe, the Democrat candidates for president are caught between a rock and a very hard place. Each of these twenty contenders has to try to stand out from the crowd and they will not do that by saying […]

Watch: Skeptical scientist wins rare New York City climate debate against warmist scientist – Audience flips from warmist views to skeptical after debate

The Soho Forum Published on May 6, 2019 Resolution: There is little or no rigorous evidence that rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are causing dangerous global warming and threatening life on the planet. For the affirmative: Craig Idso is the founder, former president, and currently chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide […]

Prominent climate scientist dissents on ‘global warming’: Declares claims ‘not backed by demonstrable data’ – ‘Untrustworthy, Falsified Data’ … ‘No Scientific Value’ MIT Doctorate Climate Scientist Slams GW Claims: Based On “Untrustworthy, Falsified Data”…”No Scientific Value”! By P Gosselin on 21. June 2019 In a newly released Kindle book that is set to peeve established climate science, an MIT doctorate climate researcher blasts alarmist claims of a warming planet and illustrates how temperature data are untrustworthy and far too scant […]

EPA replaces failed Obama ‘climate’ regs of ‘Clean Power Plan’ By Adam Houser |June 20th, 2019|Energy|0 Comments The Trump administration has officially ended Obama’s war on coal. On Wednesday, June 19, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the Affordable Clean Energy plan, also known as “ACE.” ACE is the replacement to Obama’s infamous Clean Power Plan, which wreaked havoc on energy-job dependent communities around the nation. And […]

The ‘most aggressive climate change program’ in the country – New York Advanced Far-Reaching Climate Legislation. Here’s How It Could Impact Small Businesses NEW YORK ADVANCED FAR-REACHING CLIMATE LEGISLATION. HERE’S HOW IT COULD IMPACT SMALL BUSINESSES Audrey Conklin | Reporter New York lawmakers advanced climate legislation Tuesday and Wednesday in an aim to offset pollution. “New Yorkers already pay among the highest costs in the nation for their energy, and increasing those costs will add another burden,” […]

Warmist Mag: The Catholic Church Needs to ‘Up its game’ on their Climate Gospel New Scientist: The Catholic Church Needs to “Up its game” on their Climate Gospel Eric Worrall / 3 hours ago June 21, 2019 Guest essay by Eric Worrall New Scientist is dissatisfied with the climate gospel being preached by the Catholic Church. Religion must rise to the challenge of climate change too No planet […]

UK Guardian profile of Dr. Will Happer: ‘Chief climate skeptic’ in Trump’s White House – ‘There’s nothing exceptional about the current climate’ By Emily Holden By the early 1990s, the man now dubbed the “chief climate change skeptic” in Donald Trump’s White House had already decided he was uneasy with the science that showed humans were heating the planet. William Happer, the former Princeton physicist now on Trump’s National Security Council, was then in charge of […]