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Climate ‘BirthStrike’: This woman won’t have children because of climate change. She’s not alone Blythe Pepino launched the group BirthStrike to draw attention to the people’s fears about bringing children into a world threatened by climate change. (Submitted by Blythe Pepino) CBC Radio Read Story Transcript The founder of a group of “birth strikers” says choosing not to have children is only rational when faced with the potential havoc […]

REPORT: DEEP SOLAR MINIMUM FAST-APPROACHING: COSMIC RAYS CONTINUE TO RISE Paul Dorian, Perspecta, Inc. All indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century. Daily observations of the number of sunspots since 1 January 1900 according to Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC). The thin blue line indicates the daily […]

Claim: ‘Climate change & gender are inextricably linked’ – ‘Climate Change Will Disproportionately Affect Women, So Why Are Their Voices Being Ignored?’ By Elena Hilton – Glamour Mag Within even the last 12 months, there’s been a shift in how we talk about climate change. What we once framed as a serious but distant threat is now an imminent catastrophe, with implications that are hard even to imagine. And as the crisis deepens, all the other issues we face—from […]

‘We can’t afford to wait,’ Pa. Gov. Wolf says as he rolls out 100-point ‘Climate Action Plan’ Frustrated by a lack of action from the Trump administration, Gov. Tom Wolf said Monday that Pennsylvania will join a bipartisan coalition of 24 American governors who are taking it on themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to uphold the principles of the scuppered Paris climate accords. “With the federal government turning its […]

REPORT: THE GREEN NEW DEAL WOULD CAUSE ‘SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE,’ By MICHAEL BASTASCH The Green New Deal would cause “significant environmental damage” and require “massive land use,” according to a new report. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Green New Deal, which calls for expanding renewable energy use. “There is the wildlife destruction caused by the production of renewable power,” reads the new […]

NYT Claim: ‘In a Switch, Some Republicans Start Citing Climate Change as Driving Their Policies’ By Lisa Friedman April 30, 2019 WASHINGTON — When John Barrasso, a Republican from oil and uranium-rich Wyoming who has spent years blocking climate change legislation, introduced a bill this year to promote nuclear energy, he added a twist: a desire to tackle global warming. Mr. Barrasso’s remarks — “If we are serious about climate change, we must […]

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham reverts back to warmist: ‘Climate change is real, the science is sound and solutions are available’ By Staff report Apr 26, 2019, 1:17am EDT Former Texas governor and current U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry delivered a keynote address Wednesday evening in which he said executives and politicians should continue to embrace innovation, not regulation, to tackle global warming. At the same event, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took it a step further, saying […]

Skeptical scientist hijacks AOC Congressional climate hearing – AOC laments ‘We’re not debating whether climate change is real’

Climate statistician Dr. Caleb Rossiter from the CO2 Coalition hijacked the Democratic Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrats climate hearing on Capitol Hill on April 30. Dr. Rossiter upended the House Oversight Committee Environment subcommittee hearing on “The Public Effects” of climate change when he declared “CO2 emissions have had a positive and modest impact […]

‘Check please!’ Californians to fight ‘global warming’ with restaurant surcharge BY ANDREW SHEELER A new state program gives Californians a way to fight climate change, one restaurant meal at a time. “Restore California” is a public-private partnership between the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Air Resources Board, and farms, ranches and restaurants across the state, according to a news release from the government […]

REPORT: Trump Will Meet With Top Advisers To Discuss Plans To Challenge Climate Reports With Presidential Commission By MICHAEL BASTASCH President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet Wednesday with close advisers to discuss creating a commission to scrutinize government climate change reports. The commission would be spearheaded by Princeton physicist William Happer, who sees CO2 emissions as a net benefit for the planet. Democrats have attacked Happer’s plan, but it’s gotten […]