NOAA: Average global sea level rising at rate of only 1.7-1.8 mm/yr – ‘A measly 5.6 inches by 2100’

The NOAA has updated its tide gauge data for 2018 and says the average global sea level rise rate is 1.7-1.8 mm/yr.

That’s a measly 5.6 inches by 2100. 

The map of relative sea level trends provides an overview of variations in the rates of local sea level change at long-term tide stations (based on a minimum of 30 years of data in order to account for long-term sea level variations and reduce errors in computing sea level trends based on monthly mean sea level).

The variations in sea level trends seen here primarily reflect differences in rates and sources of vertical land motion.

Areas experiencing little-to-no change in relative sea level are illustrated in green, including stations consistent with average global sea level rise rate of 1.7-1.8 mm/yr. These are stations not experiencing significant vertical land motion.

Stations illustrated with positive sea level trends (yellow-to-red) are experiencing both global sea level rise, and lowering or sinking of the local land, causing an apparently exaggerated rate of relative sea level rise.

Stations illustrated with negative trends (blue-to-purple) are experiencing global sea level rise and a greater vertical rise in the local land, causing an apparent decrease in relative sea level. These rates of relative sea level rise reflect actual observations and must be accounted for in any coastal planning or engineering applications.

Static U.S. Sea Level Trends Map


Related Links: 

30 years of NOAA tide gauge data debunk 1988 Senate hearing climate alarmist claims

UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Lies About Climate, Sea Level

World Leading Ocean Expert Calls Sea Level Rise Claims ‘Anti-Scientific Nonsense’

Scientists, studies & data agree: ‘Global warming’ not fueling acceleration in sea level rise – ‘Miami Is Sinking, But That Doesn’t Mean Sea Levels Are Rising’

No, ‘global warming’ and sea level rise are not threatening U.S. Naval facilities

