Warmist v. Warmist: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Climate Protest in Pelosi’s Office – ‘We don’t have a choice. We have to get to one hundred percent renewable energy in 10 years’

https://ntknetwork.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-joins-climate-protest-in-pelosis-office/ Democratic socialist and Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) spent her first day in Washington, D.C. as an incoming freshman by joining climate protestors in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office. Dozens of protestors with the groups Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats were staging a sit-in and greeted Ocasio-Cortez with raucous applause when she entered […]

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

https://canadafreepress.com/article/ca-gov.-jerry-brown-vetoed-2016-wildfire-management-bill-while-ca-burned By Katy Grimes Every governor has signed regretful legislation, or made a disastrous pardon he or she would like a chance to re-do. California’s whacky outgoing Democrat governor has spent the last eight years trying to convince the people of California that we are to blame for droughts, wildfires and “extreme weather,” and that […]

Wash Times features Depot: Trump sparks California wildfires debate on clearing versus climate

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/12/trump-sparks-california-wildfires-debate-clearing-/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Monday, November 12, 2018 The California wildfire disaster marked Monday a deadly milestone as frustrated calls for more aggressive forest management — led by President Trump — met with climate-change pushback from Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown. After Mr. Trump blasted the “gross mismanagement of the forests,” prompting an outcry […]


https://www.thegwpf.com/hail-shale-u-s-expected-to-produce-half-of-global-oil-and-gas-output-by-2025/ The Wall Street Journal IEA says growth in American production will be primarily driven by fracking Relentless American shale development is set to allow the U.S. to leapfrog the world’s other major oil and gas producers, with the potential for the country to account for roughly half of global crude and natural growth by […]

2018 is 3rd year in a row of cooling global temperatures – Arctic Sea Ice Soars, Polar Bears Start Hunt Early – 2nd Year In A Row!

Arctic Sea Ice Soars, Polar Bears Start Hunt Early – 2nd Year In A Row! http://notrickszone.com/2018/11/11/arctic-sea-ice-soars-polar-bears-start-hunt-early-2nd-year-in-a-row/ by P Gosselin Despite the warm year seen in Central Europe so far this year, and all the claims that it’s due to climate warming, the globe in fact has shown it’s been cooling off, or at least not […]

Aussie Climate Change High School Student Strike Gathering Momentum – School children will be taking the day (or many days) off school to protest lack of government’s lack of climate policy

Aussie Climate Change High School Student Strike Gathering Momentum https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/11/12/aussie-climate-change-high-school-student-strike-gathering-momentum/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall A growing number of Australian students are demonstrating their commitment to climate issues, by embracing a future career of low paid menial jobs. “We Can’t Sit Around”: Aussie Students Are Skipping School to Combat Climate Change Sarah Basford Nov 12, […]

What next for U.S. climate and energy policies?

What next for U.S. climate and energy policies? http://www.cfact.org/2018/11/12/what-next-for-u-s-climate-and-energy-policies/ 2018 elections bring mixed messages and require climate and renewable energy reality check. The post What next for U.S. climate and energy policies? appeared first on CFACT. — gReader Pro

Analysis: Like Prohibition is to Moonshine, Green divestment activists are a boon for coal investors

Like Prohibition is to Moonshine, Green divestment activists are a boon for coal investors http://joannenova.com.au/2018/11/like-prohibition-is-to-moonshine-green-divestment-activists-are-a-boon-for-coal-investors/ When wowsers banned alcohol in the US, the price of beer rose sevenfold. Nick Cater points at rising coal share prices and ponders that the Green divestment plan to reduce coal use works just as well as prohibition did. Divestment […]

‘Too Many Polar Bears:’ Govt Draft Plan Says Polar Bear Numbers ‘Exceed Co-Existence Threshold’

‘Too Many Polar Bears:’ Govt Draft Plan Says Polar Bear Numbers ‘Exceed Co-Existence Threshold’ http://www.thegwpf.com/too-many-polar-bears-govt-draft-plan-says-polar-bear-numbers-exceeded-co-existence-threshold/ There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut and climate change hasn’t yet affected any of them, says a draft management plan from the territorial government that contradicts much of conventional scientific thinking. The proposed plan — which […]