Arctic Sea Ice Soars, Polar Bears Start Hunt Early – 2nd Year In A Row!
Despite the warm year seen in Central Europe so far this year, and all the claims that it’s due to climate warming, the globe in fact has shown it’s been cooling off, or at least not warming at all.
Hat-tip: Schneefan
UAH satellite measurements of temperature at 1500 m altitude in October 2018 came in at an anomaly of + 0.22°C with respect to the WMO climate mean from 1981-2010. That’s four tenths of a degree less than October, 2017.
So far 2018 is the third year in a row that the globe has cooled off from it’s El Nino peak set in 2015. Especially large parts of North America have seen a cold October, as an NCEP/NCAR reanalysis shows:
Arctic stable over past decade
And despite earlier predictions of an ice-free late summer Arctic made by alarmist climate scientists years ago, Arctic sea ice has in fact stabilized over the past 10 years. This year theNorthwest passage was closed the entire year.
Arctic sea ice extent has exploded since early November, gaining over 200,000 km² daily on average, as depicted by the following Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) chart:
Hudson Bay freeze-up earlier than average for 2nd year
The surprising ice burst contradicts claims that polar bears have been in trouble. Polar bear biologist and expert Dr. Susan Crockford reports here:
This is the second year in a row that freeze-up of Western Hudson Bay ice has come earlier than average” and that “it’s unlikely that a strong wind will again blow the newly-formed ice offshore (as happened earlier this year) because the ice is more extensive.”
According to Dr. Crockford: “Ice has been developing rapidly over the last couple of days.”
The Canadian Ice Service chart for 10 November shows the ice very clearly:
Winter hitting northern hemisphere earlier
In October, snow cover over North America stood at 9.7 million square kilometers, which is some 1.7 million square kilometers over the mean of the past 50 years.
Source: Rutgers University Global Snow Lab
The October snow cover trend is also the same story for the entire northern Hemisphere, hat-tip: Kirye: