BBC: Anti-plastic focus ‘dangerous distraction’ from climate change The anti-plastic “fervour” sweeping across the UK is weakening the fight against climate change, the founder of an organic food company has said. Guy Singh-Watson, a prominent green entrepreneur and campaigner, said more focus should be put on cutting carbon. PM Theresa May has pledged to ban all avoidable plastic waste by 2042. Environmental […]
Shock Study: ‘Global Warming’ Has Made Britain’s Climate a Bit Nicer By James Delingpole Global warming has made Britain’s climate slightly more mild and pleasant. This is the shock finding of a study likely to send paroxysms of terror through the alarmist “science” establishment as it finally realises the game is up and that the evidence just doesn’t support its fantastical scare story. The study […]
NY AG Files Ridiculous Climate Change Lawsuit Against Exxon Mobil
NY AG Files Ridiculous Climate Change Lawsuit Against Exxon Mobil by Jeff Dunetz | Oct 24, 2018 | Climate Global Warming In June U.S. District Judge William Alsup dismissed several nuisance lawsuits against BP Plc, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. filed by California environmental activists claiming they are responsible for climate change. Not […]
NY Sues Exxon For Allegedly Defrauding Shareholders On Climate Change Risks
NY Sues Exxon For Allegedly Defrauding Shareholders On Climate Change Risks ‘Longstanding fraudulent scheme’ — gReader Pro
Claim: Without changing human diets, it’s impossible to halt ‘global warming’ By Richard Waite and Daniel Vennari A herd of steers grazes on a pasture in Argentina. The global food system’s environmental impact is large and growing. Nearly a quarter of all planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions come from food production and associated land-use change. And as incomes rise and more people move to cities, consumption […]
TRUMP ‘FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED’ THE POLITICS OF GLOBAL WARMING, AUTHOR SAYS By MICHAEL BASTASCH Author Rupert Darwall says Trump “fundamentally changed” the politics of global warming. Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord and focus on energy dominance has changed the game. “There is no country in the world which has more to lose from decarbonization,” Darwall said. President Donald Trump has “fundamentally changed” the politics surrounding […]
Analysis: UN IPCC: Where Dictators Overrule Scientists – ‘A sentence written by scientists will not survive’ if political operatives object By Donna Laframboise No matter how undemocratic, sparsely-populated, or terrorism-promoting a nation happens to be, a sentence written by scientists will not survive if that nation objects. click for source In South Korea a few weeks ago, the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) held a multi-day meeting. It was closed to the media, but […]
POPULATION BOMBED! Book debunks link between population growth & catastrophic climate change Global Warming Policy Foundation New book debunks link between population growth and catastrophic climate change scenarios. Many scholars, activists and policy-makers argue that improving the living conditions of a growing population can only result in unsustainable increases in greenhouse gas emissions. Because some economic and climate models suggest that having fewer children is the […]
Watch: Climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels discusses climate change for a full hour on Fox News This is a rush transcript from “Life, Liberty & Levin,” October 21, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. MARK LEVIN, HOST: Hello, America. I’m Mark Levin. This is “Life, Liberty & Levin.” Welcome. PATRICK MICHAELS, SENIOR FELLOW IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AT THE CATO INSTITUTE: Nice […]
Professor urges students to vote climate in midterms or else ‘future generations’ will face ‘higher seas, much hotter temps’
A Texas A&M University professor is urging his students to vote in the 2018 midterm elections in order “to determine” how much the seas rise and how much global temperatures will rise. Professor Andrew Dessler, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences, also implied that votes must be cast for Democrat candidates or else “future generations” will face “higher seas, […]