A Texas A&M University professor is urging his students to vote in the 2018 midterm elections in order “to determine” how much the seas rise and how much global temperatures will rise. Professor Andrew Dessler, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences, also implied that votes must be cast for Democrat candidates or else “future generations” will face “higher seas, much hotter temperatures, less ice, vastly different precipitation patterns, etc.”
Dessler wrote on October 23: “I’ve been encouraging my students to vote. This is what I tell them: they’re voting to determine whether we’ll be in the top row or the bottom row.” Dessler’s tweet featured a UN IPCC chart showing various rows of temperature scenarios from the years 2046 through the year 2200. The top row features the UN IPCC lowest temperature increase projections through the year 2200, while the bottom row shows a more severe temperature throughout the year 2200.
In response to a tweet declaring “I won’t vote democrat–sorry that party has lost it,” Dessler replied: “I’m sure future generations — as they live in degraded world with higher seas, much hotter temperatures, less ice, vastly different precipitation patterns, etc. — will totally understand and sympathize.”
Dessler is confident that a vote for Democrats can impact future temperatures in the years 2046 through 2100, that he retweeted a tweet claiming, “VOTE. Your vote can help us stay on the top row.”
Climate Depot’s Morano responded: “So you all are now claiming we know what the Earth’s global temperature will be in the year 2200?! And you think a vote in the 2018 midterm election will alter the temperature in the year 2200? And you think you believe in science?!”
This is not the first time that professors and politicians have stated that voting can impact the climate and weather. See: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts and floods and wildfires — Climate Depot Responds
Climate Depot’s Morano reminds voters: ‘Acts of the UN and the U.S. Congress or EPA, cannot control the weather’
“The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” new book excerpt:
Scholarly studies confirm that witch trials were on the upswing during the Little Ice Age. According to a 2012 Live Science article, “Historical records indicate that, worldwide, witch hunts occur more often during cold periods, possibly because people look for scapegoats to blame for crop failures and general economic hardship. Fitting the pattern, scholars argue that cold weather may have spurred the infamous Salem witch trials in 1692.” …
Princeton Professor Emeritus of Physics William Happer in 2017 drew parallels to today’s man-made climate change claims. “I don’t see a whole lot of difference between the consensus on climate change and the consensus on witches. At the witch trials in Salem the judges were educated at Harvard. This was supposedly 100 percent science. The one or two people who said there were no witches were immediately hung. Not much has changed,” Happer quipped. …
Salem State University historian Emerson Baker’s research agrees with Oster’s findings. “A harsh New England winter really may have set the stage for accusations of witchcraft,” noted a Live Science analysis of Baker’s research. The bad weather may have helped stir up the population’s psychological state into a full-blown mass hysteria.
Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends: Dem Senators & Gore seek vast new expansion of SEC ‘climate’ rules – ‘Medieval witchcraft’ makes a comeback – Morano: “President Donald Trump does not get credit for our economic growth but the media is perfectly willing to blame him for a hurricane. How does that work? It makes no sense whatsoever.” (Also see: Blaming bad weather/hurricanes on Trump and/or ‘global warming’ is a throwback to medieval witchcraft – Book Excerpt) …
Morano: “Not everyone, however, is a fan of Warren’s legislation… “This is virtue signaling of the highest order for her Democratic base, Marc Morano, the editor of ClimateDepot.com, said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday. He argued that Warren’s bill would give the U.S. government and the Securities and Exchange Commission extensive power to go after companies and “shake them down.”
Morano: “My book details the absurdity of all of this, pay up or face bad weather. The government has to protect us from bad weather.”
September 19, 2018: “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” still ranked number 1 “best seller” in Climatology, Environmental Science, & Environment!
Why Dessler et al.’s critique of energy-budget climate sensitivity estimation is mistaken
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer rips Warmists Andrew Dessler & Jerry North: They ‘Demonstrate Why Scientists Appear Clueless’ – Spencer: ‘Dessler and North can pontificate from their cushy, federally-funded (and Texas state oil-money funded) jobs, but to at least half the citizens in the U.S., they appear clueless and elitist…They can afford more expensive energy; many people can’t…it would appear that Dessler and North would rather punish energy use, destroy prosperity, and kill poor people. How can I make such an accusation? Well, how else can you explain Dessler and North hiding the fact that global temperatures stopped rising 15 years ago, in contradiction to most, if not all, IPCC climate model forecasts?’ — ‘So, stick to the ivory tower, guys. Better to let the people who work to support you wonder about your cluelessness, rather than open your mouths and remove all doubt.’
Real Science Responds to Dessler: ‘Excellent News! The 1990 report showed no hockey stick, the (Medieval Warm Period) was much warmer, and no acceleration in sea level rise.’