In the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Michael, an environmental activist is publicly calling for “more hurricanes” in Florida in order to “wake up” the voters so the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Gov. Rick Scott, will lose.
Michael Gravitz, a lobbyist for the Marine Conservation Institute, (michael.gravitz
Hurricane Michael was deadly and devastating to Florida. See: ‘It’s Gone. It’s Gone’: Hurricane Michael Effectively Flattened This Florida City
Penn State Professor Michael Mann, who recently declared, UN scientist claims Trump ‘poses the single greatest threat’ to Earth’s climate, retweeted Gravitz call for more hurricanes to hit Florida in order to wake up the voters to vote against the Republican Party.
Also, another activist issued a similar call for the weather to punish GOP voters, see: PROFESSOR SAYS HURRICANE MICHAEL VICTIMS ARE ‘REAPING’ THEIR DECISION TO ELECT ‘CLIMATE DENIERS’
Despite his call for more storm devastation on Florida, Gravitz’ personal moto is “Let’s save the oceans for our kids!”
This is not the first time climate activists have called for essentially death and destruction in order to achieve political goals. See below:
Death Wish: NYT Writer Calls for A ‘Natural Disaster’ in GOP States to ‘Unify’ After Clinton Win – New York Times Magazine writer Emily Bazelon: ‘Well, I think it would, so—and I’m not wishing this upon anyone—but it would be helpful for Hillary to have a natural disaster to deal with in a red state where she could go and be because she would be able to be—no, seriously—I’m not saying I want it to happen, but the timing would be helpful… You just think that’s a totally bad thing to say.’