Climatologist debunks the NY Times’ fake temperature claims for cities in U.S. By Larry Kummer, Editor Science & Nature 19 September 2018 Summary: The NY Times gives a story with bold numbers, confidently stated. Too bad their fact-checkers did not notice that their numbers are grossly misleading. Propaganda pretending to be science. This does not help, even if well-intended. The State Climatologist of Alabama tells the […]
Democrats struggle to make voters care about climate – UN Clexit still not given climate more urgency in the midterms By DAVID SIDERS 09/14/2018 01:32 PM EDT California Gov. Jerry Brown signed 16 new laws aimed at easing global warming Thursday in San Francisco at the Global Action Climate Summit. | AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli SAN FRANCISCO — As leading Democrats rallied around efforts to address climate change at a major summit here this week, upbraiding […]
‘A reputation risk’: UN environment chief criticized by UN internal audit for ‘extensive’ frequent flying
The top UN environmental chief who has championed “climate action,” has come under fire by an internal UN audit which harshly criticizes the chief for his “extensive travel patterns” that “presents a reputation risk to the organization.” “Erik Solheim, executive director of UN Environment, was traveling for 529 out of the 668 days audited, spending $488,518 […]