The ‘New Hell’ — ‘Climate Change’ — Gets Certified by Warmist Schellnhuber as he Prophesizes the ‘End Of Civilization’

New Hell Climate Change Gets Certified …Schellnhuber Prophesizes “End Of Civilization” by P Gosselin / Yesterday, 07:40 There’s capital to be derived from climate change, and now spiritual leaders and organized religion are getting in the act. And they offer a real Hell you can believe in – even certified by science! Religion comes […]

Reality Check: Global Cooling Led To More Extremes Of Rainfall – ‘Rainfall actually increased sharply during the period of global cooling in the 1960s and 70s’

Global Cooling Led To More Extremes Of Rainfall By Paul Homewood We are constantly told that global warming has led to more extreme rainfall and other weather. As HH Lamb showed though, monthly extremes in rainfall actually increased sharply during the period of global cooling in the 1960s and 70s:

Cheers! This is why Trump was elected! G6 leaders break with Trump, move forward on ‘climate action’

G6 leaders break with Trump, move forward on climate action Leaders representing six of the world’s most powerful economies committed to addressing climate change and environmental crises at the conclusion of this year’s Group of Seven (G7) summit over the weekend. But the United States made no such agreement, as President Trump doubled down […]

Lingering late season sea ice brings polar bear visitor to northern Newfoundland

Lingering late season sea ice brings polar bear visitor to northern Newfoundland Polar bear season for St. Lunaire-Griquet Newfoundland ran from 6 March to 10 June this year — three long months when polar bears came to visit the community during the season when bears are usually occupied with feeding on young seals and […]

NASA finds dirty glaciers in Alaska – may melt faster

NASA finds dirty glaciers in Alaska – may melt faster Over the years, scientists have captured spectacular photographs while mapping ice during NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission. Many of the photographs have featured the icy landscapes of Greenland and Antarctica, over which lengthy missions are flown each year over. But the views during shorter duration […]

Give it up James Cook University – Even The Guardian Sympathises with Climate Skeptic Peter Ridd

Give it up James Cook University – Even The Guardian Sympathises with Climate Skeptic Peter Ridd Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Dr. Willie Soon – the opportunity for James Cook University to salvage what is left of its academic reputation is closing fast. Peter Ridd’s academic union is backing him, senior Australian politicians […]

Point by Point rebuttal to silly NY Times attack on Trump allegedly being ‘anti-science’ By Steve Milloy NYTimes attacks Trump on science — and it turns out to be quite revealing Keying off the upcoming summit with North Korea, the New York Times’ Coral Davenport attempts an extensive hatchet job on science under Trump. Nowhere in the article does she disclose that she is married to (as of last year, […]

NOAA hurricane scientist: news media should be cautious about linking hurricane activity to global warming by Anthony Watts / Jun 8, 2018 The news media should be cautious about linking hurricane activity to global warming, according to National Hurricane Center Science and Operations Officer Chris Landsea. In an interview with NBC News reporters, Landsea said he is concerned when hurricanes are used “as a poster child” for global warming […]