University Professor Fired for Telling-the-Truth on Climate Change

by Jennifer on May 19, 2018 in Information, News BACK in 2016, when I asked Peter Ridd if he would write a chapter for the book I was editing I could not possibly have envisaged it could contribute to the end of his thirty-year career as a university professor. Peter Ridd as a first year undergraduate science student at James Cook […]

New Threat: ‘Climate change’ threatens hummingbirds – ‘Warming temps make it harder for birds to eat, rest, & even reproduce’ By Meteorologist Brian Doogs | Posted: Thu 6:07 PM, May 17, 2018  |  Updated: Thu 6:13 PM, May 17, 2018       MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) Planting season is here for most locations in the U.S. But as the world continues to warm from climate change, an important pollinator of flowers and other plants is at risk — hummingbirds. As the […]

Japan’s Media Blackout: Findings That Hurricane Intensity Driven By Natural Oceanic Cycles Go Unreported

By P Gosselin on 15. May 2018 Media in typhoon-prone Japan ignore new important findings suggesting hurricanes and typhoon intensification speed depends mostly on natural oceanic cycles, and not related to atmospheric CO2. Recently I posted on the surprising and science-realistic German DLF national public radio report on how hurricanes are intensifying more quickly today than they did 30 years […]

Warmist model based claim: Climate change on track to cause major insect wipeout

By Damian CarringtonEnvironment editor Global warming is on track to cause a major wipeout of insects, compounding already severe losses, according to a new analysis. Insects are vital to most ecosystems and a widespread collapse would cause extremely far-reaching disruption to life on Earth, the scientists warn. Their research shows that, even with all the carbon […]