Electricity Consumers File New Study in Their Call for EPA to Reopen its Endangerment Finding

Electricity Consumers File New Study in Their Call for EPA to Reopen its Endangerment Finding



Generally speaking, the scientific community has been highly politicized and young people are being indoctrinated by way of their schooling at all levels. Bad science is now the rule in our universities and professional societies (see the latest special edition by Jeff Rosenfeld, long the editor and gatekeeper of BAMS which includes easily refuted ‘junk science’wink.  Climate Alarmists, with the all too willing help from the mainstream media, play ambulance chasers making wild claims that every weather event of significance is the result of our human use of fossil fuels. Meanwhile, our teams have shown that we can explain all the changes in global temperatures with natural factors, and that we can equally use the natural factors to successfully forecast upcoming seasons – something which the dynamical CO2-driven models have shown they are incapable of reliably doing.

How bad is this situation? The abomination called the NCA report, led by UCS environmental ‘scientist’ lightweights, even claims it is now possible to find human attribution without detection. In other words, even when nothing really unusual seems to be happening, human influence is there! Like Senator Stabenow of Michigan who says she senses global warming and climate change every time she flies – in an airplane we hope!

Unfortunately, climate alarmism is embedded in the deep state mentality. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Republican from Indiana in written testimony very recently warned of the potential for “abrupt climate change,” Coats’ testimony said the past 115 years have been the warmest period in the history of modern civilization. He also asserted, based on intelligence information, that climatic changes could result in far-reaching global disruption.  Not to be outgunned, a new report by the allegedly non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) addressing “evolving assessments” of human’s contribution to climate change concludes that there now is high confidence that human influence is the dominant cause, issuing a rebuke to climate skeptics in Congress and in the Trump administration.

The reason so many of the scientists who have worked for years in their specialty areas to understand how and why weather and climate cycles happen are so concerned about this climate alarmism is because we can explain using rigorous scientific methods all of the changes in temperature and weather w/o GHGs. We see data being manipulated to fit theory instead of applying the scientific method and rethinking theory when data shows it is wrong

That is why the group of specialists cited in the Press Release below was formed and all of the time and effort provided PRO BONO by scientists and lawyers. Our work demonstrates that President Trump’s initial instincts were correct. This has been a cruel hoax. However, as Paul Driessen writes here “With trillions of dollars in research money, power, prestige, renewable energy subsidies, wealth redistribution schemes, and dreams of international governance on the line, the $1.5-trillion-per-year Climate Industrial Complex is not taking the situation lightly. Climate fear-mongering is in full swing.” Notwithstanding this effort, our specialist teams’ work continues to show with real data that climate change is neither catastrophic or man-made.

PRESS RELEASE: February 20, 2018
