Warmists claim of ‘Arctic sea ice extent at its lowest for at least 1500 years- –Debunked By Three Scientific Papers
By Paul Homewood h/t Andyg55 By Paul Homewood h/t Andyg55 arctic_sea_ice NOAA Continue To Pump Out Arctic Lies Further to NOAA’s claim that Arctic sea ice extent is at its lowest for at least 1500 years, Kenneth Richard highlighted three studies last year that show the claim to be bunkum. Re-posted from No Tricks Zone: […]
Analysis: NOAA Continue To Pump Out Arctic Lies
By Paul Homewood More junk science from the Arctic alarmists at NOAA: The Arctic Ocean once froze reliably every year. Those days are over. Arctic sea ice extent has been measured by satellites since the 1970s. And scientists can sample ice cores, permafrost records, and tree rings to make some assumptions about the sea ice […]
Rebuttals to Ten Typical False Claims by Climate Alarmists
Rebuttals to Ten Typical False Claims by Climate Alarmists http://www.carlineconomics.com/archives/4197 By Alan Carlin Climate alarmists are constantly trying to justify their misguided goal of decreasing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the basic molecules that makes possible life on Earth, by making various claims as to the alleged adverse effects of increasing emissions of […]
US Blizzards, Snowfalls Have Increased Since1950s, Surprising Global Warming Climatologists
US Blizzards, Snowfalls Have Increased Since1950s, Surprising Global Warming Climatologists http://notrickszone.com/2018/02/20/us-blizzards-snowfalls-have-increased-since1950s-surprising-global-warming-climatologists/ On January 4 NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard published a list of 485 papers dumping cold water on climate alarmism in 2017. Looking through the list I find published papers showing that snowfall frequency has in fact increased over the the past 60 years! […]
Electricity Consumers File New Study in Their Call for EPA to Reopen its Endangerment Finding
Electricity Consumers File New Study in Their Call for EPA to Reopen its Endangerment Finding http://www.icecap.us http://icecap.us/images/uploads/EF_CPP_Fifth_Supplement_to_Petition_for_Recon_PRESS_RELEASE_021218.pdf Generally speaking, the scientific community has been highly politicized and young people are being indoctrinated by way of their schooling at all levels. Bad science is now the rule in our universities and professional societies (see the latest special […]
False Alarm: Russia’s Polar Bears Adjusting To Climate Change, Officials Confirm
False Alarm: Russia’s Polar Bears Adjusting To Climate Change, Officials Confirm http://www.thegwpf.com/russias-polar-bear-population-adjusts-to-climate-change-officials-confirm/ “Representatives of other Arctic regions and the scientific community were more concerned about climatic change and its negative effect on polar bears, but these issues do not loom large with us. Both scientific data and traditional knowledge prove that nothing threatens our bears.” […]
Christopher Booker: Groupthink On Climate Change Ignores Inconvenient Facts
Christopher Booker: Groupthink On Climate Change Ignores Inconvenient Facts http://www.thegwpf.com/christopher-booker-groupthink-on-climate-change-ignores-inconvenient-facts/ Since we’ve now been living with the global warming story for 30 years, it might seem hard to believe that science could now come up with anything that would enable us to see that story in a wholly new light. But that is what I […]
REPORT: Paris Climate Signers Worry The Deal Didn’t Go Far Enough
REPORT: Paris Climate Signers Worry The Deal Didn’t Go Far Enough https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/02/21/report-paris-climate-signers-worry-the-deal-didnt-go-far-enough/ By Paul Homewood From the “I told you so Dept”: Activists believe the massive climate agreement world leaders championed as a major victory over climate change falls far short of what is needed, according to a report Tuesday from The Washington Post. India, […]
The Long Winter Of 2017/18…Numerous Records Set As Ferocious Cold And Snow Batter Northern Hemisphere
The Long Winter Of 2017/18…Numerous Records Set As Ferocious Cold And Snow Batter Northern Hemisphere http://notrickszone.com/2018/02/21/the-long-winter-of-2017-18-numerous-records-set-as-ferocious-cold-and-snow-batter-northern-hemisphere/ The long term forecast for Europe, where it is already colder than normal, shows temperatures plummeting to near -20°C in parts of Central Europe by early next week, extending what has been already a brutal winter. Latest GFS models […]
Global Warming: a case study in groupthink
Global Warming: a case study in groupthink http://cliscep.com/2018/02/21/global-warming-a-case-study-in-groupthink/ Video above, written report here, Josh cartoon below. Take your pick or enjoy all three. — gReader Pro