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Computers say climate change will be worse than we thought, again (and again)

The alarmist science community lives on studies that claim to find that “It’s worse than we thought” and two beauties have just come out. It is all just computer games but the green press loves it.

The first study melts a new bunch of the Antarctic ice sheet. They do it the same way you would get a bigger boom in a video game, which is simply add some new equations to the computer model. These new “mechanisms,” as the equations are euphemistically called, do not change nature but they sure change the melting in the computer.

For example, we are now told that Louisiana will get over seven feet of sea level rise by the end of this century, a mere 82 years from now. Good by New Orleans, we will miss you. The world as a whole gets over a foot by 2050, just 32 years from now. Moreover, there is nothing we can do now to stop this global rise. Clearly it’s worse than we thought!

Plus they do not stop there. Instead they run the model out a full 300 years, because Antarctica is kind of slow to melt. I am not making this up. They are telling us what the Antarctic climate will be like 300 years from now. As science this is just junk, but it is great alarmism. It is no surprise that the National Science Foundation paid for this stuff.

Of course the hyper-alarmist Climate Central loves this study, in part because they did some of it, saying “Antarctic ice sheet models double the sea-level rise expected this century if global emissions of heat-trapping pollution remain high, according to a new study led by Dr. Robert Kopp of Rutgers University and co-authored by scientists at Climate Central.

That CO2 does not trap heat and is not pollution is irrelevant to these folks. Anytime someone refers to CO2 emissions as “pollution,” you know they are an alarmist. Atmospheric CO2 is actually the global food supply. That adding a few equations to a model doubles the predicted sea level rise tells us a lot about models, but nothing about Antarctica or sea level.
