Via: By Meteorologist Paul Dorian – Vencore, Inc. DC, Medium Range Outlooks, NYC, PHL, Climate Info Yesterday’s 12Z Euro model forecast map of 850 temperature anomalies for next Tuesday, December 26th with brutal cold across the Northern Plains; map courtesy (Dr. Ryan Maue) Overview This is looking like a relatively quiet week across the country compared to last, but next […]
Trump’s National Security Plan: Energy Dominance, Not Climate Change
Via: GWPF Newsletter 18/12/17 Trump’s National Security Plan: Energy Dominance, Not Climate Change US Fuels The World As Shale Boom Powers Record Oil Exports President Donald Trump’s administration prioritizes U.S. “energy dominance” through promoting exports, innovation and cutting regulations, according to the federal government’s National Security Strategy. Trump’s strategy no longer lists global warming as a […]
Ehrlich 1967 : Everyone to Die By 1975, Unless The Government Poisons Us
Fifty years ago, Stanford climate expert Paul Ehrlich said we would all starve to death by 1975, unless the government poisoned our food and water supply. Ehrlich is a close associate of Obama’s science adviser, John Holdren. 17 Nov 1967, Page 9 – The Salt Lake Tribune at Tweet Source: Ehrlich 1967 : Everyone […]
Brown and Caldeira: A closer look shows global warming will not be greater than we thought
by Nic Lewis A critique of a recent paper by Brown and Caldeira published in Nature that predicted greater than expected global warming. Last week a paper predicting greater than expected global warming, by scientists Patrick Brown and Ken Caldeira, was published by Nature. [1] The paper (henceforth referred to as BC17) says in its […]
Stop Burning Forests! Burn Natural Gas!
“A power plant burning wood chips will typically emit one and a half times the carbon dioxide of a plant burning coal and at least three times the carbon dioxide emitted by a power plant burning natural gas . Although regrowing trees absorb carbon, trees grow slowly, and for some years a regrowing forest absorbs […]
Ross McKitrick: Revisiting the EPA Endangerment Finding
Obama’s EPA used semantic tricks to avoid rigorous scientific evaluation. Is Trump’s EPA more honest? Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt is mulling over how, or whether, to respond to demands from climate skeptics that he reexamine the science that obligates the EPA to issue costly carbon-emission regulations. Source: Ross McKitrick: Revisiting the EPA Endangerment […]
Computers say climate change will be worse than we thought, again (and again)
by David Wojick, Ph.D., The alarmist science community lives on studies that claim to find that “It’s worse than we thought” and two beauties have just come out. It is all just computer games but the green press loves it. The first study melts a new bunch of the Antarctic ice sheet. They do it the same way […]
Polar Bears, Inadequate data and Statistical Lipstick
Polar Bears, Inadequate data and Statistical Lipstick A recent paper Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy by JEFFREY A. HARVEY and 13 others has been creating somewhat of a stir in the blogosphere. The paper’s abstract purports to achieve the following: Increasing surface temperatures, Arctic sea-ice loss, and other evidence of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are […]
More Fracking Nonsense: Frac’ing Shrinks Infants
David Middleton / 5 hours ago December 18, 2017 Guest post by David Middleton This artical and the underlying “study” can only be explained by a childhood diet rich in lead paint chips… Study finds pregnant women who live near fracking areas more likely to have underweight babies […] While scientists are unsure whether the pollution is coming […]
AP: ‘Global Warming’ Threatens Olympics
EDDIE PELLS and JOHN LEICESTER , Associated Press•December 18, 2017 1 / 12 This photo taken from a 4K video and dated Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017 shows a skier performing a jump during training on the glacier above Saas-Fee, Switzerland. The glacier attracted skiers and snowboard athletes from an array of nations, who came hunting […]