European Commission Reflection Paper Puts “Climate Change” Near Bottom Of List Of Concerns!

European Commission Reflection Paper Puts “Climate Change” Near Bottom Of List Of Concerns! If one were to rate the investment made by governments globally aimed at creating concern for a potential problem, then the huge investment in climate change fear by now would definitely have to be rated as “junk” quality. never has so much […]

Green Crap: Another Solar Subsidy Business Goes Bust

Green Crap: Another Solar Subsidy Business Goes Bust A green energy company heavily incentivized by Mississippi is shutting down, raising questions about whether the state will get repaid. It’s the fourth green subsidy company to go bust recently. Solar panel maker Stion notified the state Tuesday that it would close its Hattiesburg plant Dec. 13, laying […]

‘The Third World Is Coming Around Fast On The Climate Scam’: ‘Poor people are entitled to get access to cheap & reliable electricity’ 

The Third World Is Coming Around Fast On The Climate Scam Something rather big has changed since 2013: rapidly increasing numbers of people, and even government officials, in the developing world have come to the realization that poor people are entitled to get access to cheap and reliable electricity, and that the only way […]

Children to sue European countries for ‘failing to take action’ on climate change

By Manisha Ganguly, CNN Updated 0205 GMT (1005 HKT) October 20, 2017 “We are destroying the world with our actions,” says 9-year-old Andre. “To shut up and say it’s wrong is not enough. We have to act for a better future.” (CNN)A group of Portuguese children whose district was ravaged by deadly forest fires this summer is […]