European Commission Reflection Paper Puts “Climate Change” Near Bottom Of List Of Concerns!
If one were to rate the investment made by governments globally aimed at creating concern for a potential problem, then the huge investment in climate change fear by now would definitely have to be rated as “junk” quality. never has so much seen so little return. Hundreds of billions have been invested so far with the aim of generating mass fear, and by now we would think the global public should be in a state of panic. That’s the least one would expect from such a massive investment in fostering fear. But it turns out that climate change remains very low on the list of concerns that citizens have. List of concerns for European citizens Earlier this year, the European Commission presented a White Paper on the future of Europe. A series of reflection papers covering key topics for the future of the European Union with 27 Member States have been published subsequently. The European Commission Reflection Paper on the Future of European Defence (2025) is the fourth in that series and it outlines the main trends and challenges that will shape the future of our security and defence and on this basis, sets out options in three different scenarios for moving towards a Security and Defence Union. While not mutually exclusive, these scenarios are underpinned by different levels of ambition for the EU in doing things together in security and defence. Strengthening the protection and security of European citizens is part of the Juncker Commission priorities. In the Reflection Paper is Figure 3, which happens to list what European citizens are most concerned about: Figure 3 of the Reflection Paper on the Future of European Defence. Source: Eurobarometer Climate, environment dead last Not surprisingly, Europeans are most concerned about immigration and terrorism, followed by economic issues. In the last two place we find climate change and the environment respectively. These two issues have run dead last over the past 5 years. In fact, citizens are even more concerned about the EU’s (waning) influence in the world. Obviously people are collectively not buying into the climate alarmism hoax.
— gReader Pro