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Prof. Michael Mann warns hurricanes may ‘literally force us to relocate the major coastal cities of the world’ – Recipe for climate ‘catastrophe’

Penn State Prof. Michael Mann, an activist scientist with the United Nations IPCC scientist, is now warning that 2017 hurricanes are signalling a “new normal” in Hurricanes due to man-made climate change.  Mann, a longtime climate activist who was embroiled in the Climategate scandal, says the world may “literally force us to relocate the major coastal cities of […]

Climate Depot’s point-by-point rebuttal to warmist claims on extreme weather events

Via UK Independent: Jeffrey Kargel, from the Department of Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona, urged governments to question their denial of climate change and get to work making their countries resilient enough to be able to deal with such extreme weather events… “Put most simply, Planet Earth’s climate is in upheaval […]