Warmist Brad Johnson urges: ‘Put officials who reject science in jail’ – Blames Irma on climate change

Climate disaster response rules1) save lives2) global warming is here 3) put officials who reject science in jail https://t.co/xLGt79yLOP — Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS (@climatebrad) September 7, 2017 Related Links:  The Nation: ‘To refuse to act against global warming…is murder’ – ‘Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us’ Mag: After Harvey, ‘climate change denial should […]

Reality Check: Hurricane Irma Is NOT the Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane Ever Recorded

Via: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/09/07/hurricane-irma-is-not-the-most-powerful-atlantic-hurricane-ever-recorded/ David Middleton / 29 mins ago September 7, 2017 Guest post by David Middleton Hurricane Irma is really bad.  It may be the worst storm to hit the U.S. since 1935… But it is NOT the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded.  So… Why do they have to lie about this? Hurricane Irma, the most powerful in […]

Watch: CNN, MSNBC Blame Climate Change For Irma

By AMBER ATHEY Media Reporter If you thought CNN and MSNBC were done with climate change arguments after Hurricane Harvey, gear up for round two with Hurricane Irma. Amateur climatologists–otherwise known as news anchors–on the two cable networks are predicting that storms will grow in size and intensity because of the warming of oceans over […]

Environmental Activist Leader Prayed For Harvey To Hit Texas Because Of Its Pipelines

TIM PEARCE Energy Reporter An American Indian environmental activist was “praying” Hurricane Harvey would hit Texas hard in order to disrupt the Valley Crossing Pipeline and cost energy companies more money, according to a Facebook post. “Yes I am praying the Hurricanes hit full force to stop the illegal no federal permit permit Valley Crossing […]

Climate Activists: After Harvey & Irma, ‘Big Oil must pay for climate change’ – ‘Their products contributed substantially to climate change’

Peter C Frumhoff of Union of Concerned Scientists & Myles R Allen is Professor in School of Geoography and the Environment, University of Oxford:  Excerpts: As communities in coastal Texas and Louisiana confront the damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, fueled by abnormally warm waters, is barreling into the Caribbean and threatening Puerto Rico and […]

Climate scientist jailed for fraud – ‘Fraudulently claiming half a million dollars in reimbursement’

By Thomas Lifson Well, it’s a start… Lucy Smith reports for the Townsville (Queensland), Australia Bulletin: A RENOWNED climate scientist has been jailed for fraudulently claiming half a million dollars in reimbursements from his employer. Over seven years, Australian Institute of Marine Science senior researcher Daniel Michael Alongi lodged 129 claims for fictitious purchases totalling $553,420. When […]