Penn State Prof. Michael Mann, an activist scientist with the United Nations IPCC scientist, is now warning that 2017 hurricanes are signalling a “new normal” in Hurricanes due to man-made climate change. Mann, a longtime climate activist who was embroiled in the Climategate scandal, says the world may “literally force us to relocate the major coastal cities of the world, to relocate the better part of the billion people” because of “global warming.”
The Real News Network interviews Mann – September 7, 2017: Mann: “You can imagine. If we’re dealing with a hurr- [inaudible 00:09:13] or a superstorm Sandy or a Katrina every few years, well then we’re starting to get beyond something that we can adapt to. We’re starting to talk about conditions that will literally force us to relocate the major coastal cities of the world, to relocate the better part of the billion people. We’re talking about a planet with a larger global population and great competition for diminishing land, water and food. That is a recipe for a catastrophe.”
Climate Depot Note: Mann’s claims about extreme weather, sea level rise and “global warming” have been challenged by the data, studies and other scientists. See: Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims
Despite the fact that world has seen declining extreme weather events (See: Extreme Weather Expert: ‘World is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters’) — some climate activists want to criminalise dissenting view of “global warming.” See: Mag: After Harvey, ‘climate change denial should be a crime’ – ‘Denial can and will leave people dead’ & Claim: ‘Hurricane Irma Should Shut Up All the Global Warming Deniers for Good’ & The Nation: ‘To refuse to act against global warming…is murder’ – ‘Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us’
Climate activists claims about Hurricane Harvey and Irma are disputed by many scientists and data. See:
‘Three Category 5 hurricanes have made landfall in the U.S. since 1924’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Harvey is 7th highest magnitude hurricane on record to hit Texas
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘Why Houston Flooding Isn’t a Sign of Climate Change’
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on’ – Curry: ‘Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on.’ ‘The huge amounts of rain are associated with Harvey’s stalled movement.’ Phil Klotzbach has prepared this list off Cat 4-5 U.S. landfalling hurricanes:
Flashback: 1963 Global Cooling Hurricane Produced 100 Inches Of Rain
The so-called “consensus” is very unclear about hurricanes.
See: What Hurricane ‘consensus’?! ‘Global warming’ causes MORE hurricanes — Except when it causes FEWER hurricanes – Stop the confusion! Global warming will cause less hurricanes or more hurricanes or more powerful but less frequent hurricanes or have no known impact on hurricanes and will cause less rain or more rain. In other words, predict every possible outcome and you too can claim you predicted it! No matter what happens with hurricanes, the climate establishment can confidently claim, they were right.
Mann joins a long list of doomsayers who have predicted similar end times predictions about “global warming.” In 2004, the UK’s Sir David King suggested Antarctica would be the only place left on Earth cool enough for humans to live.
UK Independent article excerpt from 2004: “Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government’s chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.”
Flashback 2007:UK Green Guru James Lovelock Predicts Global Warming Doom: ‘Billions of us will die; few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in Arctic’ (But Lovelock would later recant and become more skeptical of climate change. See: Alert: ‘Gaia’ scientist James Lovelock reverses himself: I was ‘alarmist’ about climate change & so was Gore!
Former NASA scientist James Hansen on NBC’s Nightly News: “Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Miami. They would all be under water.UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer on ABC News, 20/20: “If the sea level rise occurred fast enough, some major cities might have to be abandoned, like, for instance, London.” (Both of above clips of Hansen & Oppenheimer appeared in Climate Hustle film. )
Here we go again: Every hurricane is ‘what climate change looks like’ according to climate activists
Climate activists waste no time blaming, exploiting and claiming every hurricane that makes landfall in the U.S. is “what climate change looks like.” Hurricane Harvey is the latest hurricane to get this treatment. Below are a few examples. (Also see: What Hurricane ‘consensus’?! ‘Global warming’ causes MORE hurricanes — Except when it causes LESS hurricanes)
2017: “Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like” – Politico Magazine – By ERIC HOLTHAUS – August 28, 2017: Harvey is what climate change looks like. More specifically, Harvey is what climate change looks like in a world that has decided, over and over, that it doesn’t want to take climate change seriously.