Hurricane season begins: Record ‘4,252 days since Category 3+ hurricane made USA landfall’

Via: Extreme weather expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. is a professor of environmental studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Latest Science:  A few this crossed my screen that are worth sharing: US drought has decreased over more than a century: “For most of the [continental United […]

REPORT: $12.7 Trillion Needed To Meet Paris Climate Accord’s Goal

By Michael Bastasch A whopping $7.4 trillion will be spent globally on new green energy facilities in the coming decades, but another $5.3 trillion is needed to meet the goals of the Paris climate accord, according to a new report. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) is out with a new long-term energy outlook report, this […]

Trump’s Withdrawal From Paris Was a Nod of Respect to American Citizens

Two weeks ago, President Donald Trump announced the federal government would pull out of the supposedly “non-binding” Paris Climate Accord signed by President Barack Obama. This should not have been a surprise. Earlier this March, Trump signed an order rescinding President Barack Obama’s so-called Clean Power Plan, a 1,560-page regulation that would have rewritten America’s […]

Energy Department Closes Office Working on Climate Change Abroad

By BRAD PLUMER – JUNE 15, 2017 Continue reading the main story U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, third from right, snaps a picture with other energy ministers at an international clean energy conference in Beijing last week. CreditNg Han Guan/Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Energy Department is closing an office that works with other countries to develop clean energy […]

Trump’s Paris climate choice puts America first

By: H. Sterling Burnett, the Heartland Institute In a much-anticipated decision, President Donald Trump kept his campaign promise by announcing recently that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement negotiated by 195 countries in December 2015. Under the agreement, the United States is required to cut its carbon-dioxide emissions 28 percent below […]

Exposing the EPA’s Gold King Mine Cover-Up

By Robert Gordon Does the Environmental Protection Agency care more about its image than it does about the environment? Its behavior in response to the massive 2015 Gold King Mine disaster in Colorado would suggest a very clear “yes.” The Environmental Protection Agency is hiding its incredible recklessness in the affair by giving official accounts […]

DEBUNKED: Study Exposes The Huge Flaws In EPA Science

After three years, researchers have finally published a study claiming to have debunked science the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has used to justify imposing costly regulations on U.S. industries. The study led by veteran statistician Stan Young found “little evidence for association between air quality and acute deaths” in California between 2000 and 2012. “The daily death […]

Camille Paglia: Global warming is ‘a sentimental myth unsupported by evidence’

Excerpt: It is certainly ironic how liberals who posture as defenders of science when it comes to global warming (a sentimental myth unsupported by evidence) flee all reference to biology when it comes to gender. Biology has been programmatically excluded from women’s studies and gender studies programs for almost 50 years now. Thus very few […]

Feds Fund Dissertation on ‘Climate Change Denial’

BY: Elizabeth Harrington June 15, 2017 5:00 am The National Science Foundation is funding a doctoral dissertation on “climate change denial.” The University of Kansas was awarded $12,000 for the research, which began on June 1. The research seeks to find a “more complete and nuanced understanding” of individuals who are skeptical that human beings cause […]