After three years, researchers have finally published a study claiming to have debunked science the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has used to justify imposing costly regulations on U.S. industries.
The study led by veteran statistician Stan Young found “little evidence for association between air quality and acute deaths” in California between 2000 and 2012.
“The daily death variability was mostly explained by time of year or weather variables; Neither PM2.5 nor ozone added appreciably to the prediction of daily deaths,” reads they study.
Young released his study three years ago, and finally got it peer-reviewed published in the journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology on Tuesday. Young tried to get his research published in the journal PLOS One in July 2015, but the publication rejected the paper saying EPA settled the science on air pollution decades ago.
“The issue addressed was laid to rest in the mid 1990s by a large reanalysis report sponsored by [Health Effects Institute],” a PLOS One editor wrote in a rejection email to Young and his colleagues, according to the book “Scare Pollution.”