Renowned Princeton Physicist Schools New York Times Science Journalist On CO2 Science!
By P Gosselin on 15. February 2017
Renowned Princeton physicist William Happer told New York Times science journalist Andrew Revkin in an online video conference that he believes the world has got it all wrong when it comes to the implications of CO2 emissions into our atmosphere.
Happer told Revkin that “any dispassionate weighing of the facts would give you a negative cost of carbon” and that “more CO2 is good for the world“.
Moreover Happer believes that the whole climate issue has “distracted people from real problems” like massive pollution in places like China and India.
Happer adds that he thinks “enormous damage has been done to the environment by diverting money from real problems to completely made up problems.”
He tells the New York Times journalist that he absolutely sees CO2 as a “non-problem” and that he even sees the trace gas “as good“. He reiterates: “Let me be clear: It think it’s not a problem. I think it’s a good thing.”
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