UK Guardian: Trump’s likely science adviser calls climate scientists ‘glassy-eyed cult’

William Happer, frontrunner for job of providing mainstream scientific opinion to officials, backs crackdown on federal scientists’ freedom to speak out William Happer, of Princeton University, has described some climate science as ‘like Hare Krishna or something like that’. Photograph: Ralph Lee Hopkins/Alamy  Hannah Devlin Science correspondent @hannahdev Wednesday 15 February 2017 08.13 ESTLast modified on […]

Analysis: Climate data has been altered for decades to promote ‘global warming’ fears

Via: Posted on February 14, 2017 by tonyheller In 1990, Tom Karl and the IPCC showed that Earth was much warmer 900 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP.) 1990 IPCC Report But by 1995, climate scientists had made the decision to get rid of the inconvenient MWP. U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public […]

EPA: US greenhouse gas emissions declined in 2015

Greenhouse gas emissions in the United States declined by 2.2 percent between 2014 and 2015, federal officials reported on Tuesday. In its annual draft greenhouse gas report, the EPA said total emissions of climate change-causing gases decreased in 2015 after back-to-back years of small growth. The report uses the most up-to-date data about greenhouse gas […]

Trump’s likely science advisor: many climate scientists ‘glassy-eyed cult’

By THOMAS RICHARD Princeton University physicist William Happer, the most likely candidate to be #Donald Trump’s #Science Advisor, said many climate scientists are like a “glassy-eyed cult.” In a new interview with the Guardian, Happer said these scientists are suffering from a form of “collective madness.” Happer, who met with Trump last month to discuss the […]

Watch: Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Dr. Willie Soon exposes ‘global warming’ science

Dr. Willie Soon – Are CO2 Levels and Climate Change Related? February 9, 20017. Dr. Willie Soon is an astrophysicist and geoscientist with numerous honors and awards from leading scientific organizations. He is a co-author of a number of climate-related texts. Dr. Soon earned his bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D.’s degrees in aerospace engineering from the […]