Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano’s statement on President Elect Donald J. Trump:
Morano: “Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S. No longer do we have to hear otherwise intelligent people in charge in DC blather on about how UN treaties or EPA regulations will control the Earth’s temperature or storminess.
The election of Trump tonight was one of pure enjoyment for those concerned about silly, sovereignty threatening and purely symbolic climate policies that have been imposed on the U.S. without a single vote. Skeptics also enjoyed watching the grieving faces of the mainstream media on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, as the Trump election night shock sunk in.
“What they (the Democrats & warmists) are so afraid of is this: Trump is the first Republican Presidential nominee that has ever staked out a strongly science supported skeptical position not only on climate science claims, but also on the so-called ‘solutions’. (See: CLIMATE TRUTH FILE: 2016: Skeptical Talking Points from A-Z on Global Warming – Point-By-Point)
Trump is right on climate science and Trump rightly scares the hell out of the warmists.
Climate skeptics are ready to get down to the serious business of working with a Trump Administration to begin overhauling the U.S. climate and energy policy and battling the climate activists and their ill-gotten agenda achieved through bypassing democracy.
The time for a Clexit has arrived, a U.S. exit from the UN Paris climate agreement.
Trump can now move forward with his scientifically sound and coherent climate and energy policy that he laid out during the campaign.
Skeptics look forward to the following Trump climate agenda:
Donald Trump said on May 26, 2016:
1) Trump pledges to rip up Paris climate agreement in energy speech
2) Trump railed against “draconian climate rules”
3) Trump said he would “cancel” the Paris climate agreement –
4) and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming.
End Morano statement
Background Info on Trump’s plans:
Breitbart’s James Delingpole analysis:
“To get an idea of the horrors to come for the greenies, look at how they reacted to the prospect of his new Environmental Protection Agency Dismantler-in-Chief Myron Ebell. Ebell is an old friend of mine who works on climate and energy issues at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The fact that he’s an old friend of mine probably tells you all you need to know about where he stands on global warming.
Here’s how Newsweek views him:
Ebell is sometimes described as climate denier-in-chief, and he revels in it, crowing in his biography that he’s been called one of the leading “misleaders” on climate change and “villain of the month” by one environmental group. David Goldston, a policy analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, says Ebell “doesn’t believe in climate change and wants to reverse the advances we’ve had in environmental protection and decimate—if not utterly destroy—the Environmental Protection Agency.” The Competitive Enterprise Institute, Ebell’s employer, “has done everything it can politically and through litigation to block any forward movement on climate and to try to harass anybody who is trying to get forward movement,” Goldston says.
Ebell is also the chairman of the Cooler Heads Coalition, more than two dozen nonprofit groups “that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies,” according to the coalition’s website. Those positions line up nicely with Trump’s goals, which include “saving” the coal industry, reviving the Keystone XL oil pipeline and expanding offshore oil drilling.
Ebell has attacked nearly every aspect of Obama’s environmental policies and accomplishments. He has said that the president’s decision in September to sign the Paris climate accord—which commits nations to sharp reductions in the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change—was “clearly an unconstitutional usurpation of the Senate’s authority” because treaties need approval by two-thirds of the Senate. (The White House argued that it was an agreement, not a treaty.) In a speech in August at the Detroit Economic Club, Trump said he would cancel the agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. climate change programs.
Yup, greenies. That climate change gravy train you’ve been riding these last four decades looks like it’s headed for a major, Atlas-Shrugged-style tunnel incident…
Wash Times features Morano: The ‘time has come for a U.S. led ‘Clexit’ from UN the climate treaty’ – Marc Morano, who runs the skeptics’ website Climate Depot, said Tuesday that the cold feet on global warming shows that some countries are realizing the international climate agreement is “not in their best interests.” “More and more nations are realizing that the U.N. climate treaty is nothing more than an effort to empower the U.N. and attack national sovereignty while doing absolutely nothing for the climate,” said Mr. Morano, who debuted his film “Climate Hustle” during the negotiations in Paris. He said that the “time has come for a U.S. led ‘Clexit’ from UN the climate treaty.”
Flashback January 2016 – Marc Morano wrote: “The GOP nominee for president in 2016 must present a basic plan to roll back Obama’s climate regulations. Here is a simple breakdown of what is needed:
Morano wrote in Jan. 2016: 1) Repeal all EPA climate regulations; 2) Withdraw the U.S. from any Paris agreement (nonbinding) ‘commitments’; 3) Withdraw the U.S. from the UN climate treaty process entirely; 4) The U.S. should defund the UN IPCC climate panel;
Donald Trump said on May 26, 2016: 1) Trump pledges to rip up Paris climate agreement in energy speech – 2) Trump railed against “draconian climate rules” – 3) and said he would “cancel” the Paris climate agreement -4) and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming.
Via MSNBC – May 26, 2016:
Trump railed against the “totalitarian tactics” of the Environmental Protection Agency. He pledged to dismantle the EPA entirely in an April town hall, although he referred to it at the time as the “Department of Environmental” and “DEP.” He assailed Hillary Clinton for saying in March that fracking projects would be unlikely to pass muster under her environmental regime.
“Hillary’s agenda is job destruction. My agenda is job creation,” Trump said.
He railed against “draconian climate rules” and said he would “cancel” the Paris climate agreement and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” in the past…”
Flashback January 14, 2016 – Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on dismantling UN/EPA climate agenda:
Morano: “President Obama laid out his final vision in the State of the Union address. Republicans need to get their act together quickly in order to prevent Obama’s climate legacy from being cemented.
Morano: “The GOP nominee for president in 2016 must present a basic plan to roll back Obama’s climate regulations. Here is a simple breakdown of what is needed:
1) Repeal all EPA climate regulations;
2) Withdraw the U.S. from any Paris agreement (nonbinding) ‘commitments’;
3) Withdraw the U.S. from the UN climate treaty process entirely;
4) The U.S. should defund the UN IPCC climate panel;
5) Start praising carbon based energy as one of the greatest liberators of mankind and the best hope for the developing world’s poor.
Anything short of this clear and comprehensive approach will lead to failure and guarantee Obama’s climate policies will become permanent in the U.S. The Republicans need to get a coherent plan and articulate their course of action.
End Morano excerpt.
Cheers! WaPo Editorial Board: ‘A President Trump could wreck progress on global warming’
WaPo: ‘Trump could destroy the UN climate agreement with a stroke of a pen, and with it any hope that the world will keep the planet’s temperature within the boundaries scientists say are safe.’
WaPo: ‘U.S. foot-dragging on warming would give other nations a pretext to avoid hard actions, too. The planet would warm more; the oceans would become more acidic; corals would bleach; sea levels would rise; deadly temperature extremes would get more frequent; species would die off; landscapes would change; shipyards would swamp; climate refugees would seek shelter.’
Climate Depot Note: ‘The Washington Post seems to be saing a vote for Trump is a vote for bad weather! Can Hillary control the climate?!’
Watch: Morano on TV: ‘Trump is first GOP Prez. nominee that is strongly a climate skeptic’
Marc Morano on Donald Trump: “What they (the Democrats & warmists) are so afraid of is this: Trump is the first Republican Presidential nominee that has ever staked out a strongly science supported skeptical position not only on climate science claims, but also on the solutions.
By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotAugust 4, 2016 3:14 PM with 8 comments
Ezra Levant Show – Rebel Media: Marc Morano Full Interview July 28 – Tonight we’re talking more about “climate change,” with Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore in studio, and our friend Marc Moranofrom Climate Depot, whose documentary “Climate Hustle” is coming out on DVD shortly.
Rebel Media
Marc Morano on Donald Trump:
“What they (the Democrats & warmists) are so afraid of is this: Trump is the first Republican Presidential nominee that has ever staked out a strongly science supported skeptical position not only on climate science claims, but also on the solutions.
“Trump is truly the first Republican candidate to get the nomination who is truly a skeptic. Trump is right on the science and Trump scares the hell out of warmists.”
Cheers! AP laments: ‘Trump would be only head of state in world to contend climate change is a hoax’
Poll: ‘Twice as many Republicans are unsure about the evidence of global warming as they were a year ago, and Donald Trump could be playing a role, finds a new survey led by University of Michigan researchers.’
Skeptics Applaud: ‘Trump is first GOP Prez. nominee that is strongly a climate skeptic’ – Marc Morano on Donald Trump: ‘What they (the Democrats) are so afraid of is this: Trump is the first Republican Presidential nominee that has ever staked out a strongly science supported skeptical position not only on climate science claims, but also on the solutions.’
Trump VP pick Mike Pence: ‘I think the science is very mixed on the subject of global warming’
Clinton, Trump show stark contrast on ‘climate change’
Hollywood stars target Trump’s ‘climate change denial’
Climate Talking Points For Trump’
James Cameron calls Trump a ‘madman’ over climate denial
Trump on July 26, 2016 on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’:
“They are saying man-made. I say it could have a minor impact, but nothing — nothing to what they are talking about.
What it is doing is putting us at a tremendous disadvantage as a country because other countries are not adhering to the rules we are and it makes it impossible for our businesses to compete. We are adhering to these very strict rules and you look at China and you look at all of these other countries, practically all of them they are not adhering to the rules. And our jobs are being jeopardized — not being jeopardized — they are being taken away and our companies are not able to complete.”
UN pleads for climate accord ratification before mass ‘Clexit’
Survey: ‘56% of Canadians don’t believe climate change is caused by human activity’ – A new study co-authored by University of Montreal researchers indicates 56 per cent of Canadians don’t believe climate change is caused by human activity. “The skepticism was a bit surprising,” said Érick Lachapelle, who co-authored the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication study, which is being submitted to a scientific journal for publication and has not yet been peer reviewed.
Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming
Pew Poll: Americans the least concerned about climate change
Despite the heavy media and political pressure to make global warming and climate change the top issue in the nation, it is more of a concern to citizens in 36 of 40 other industrialized nations than in the United States, according to Pew Research Center.
Bloomberg poll: 31% of Americans agree that ‘Climate change is a total hoax’
Bloomberg: ‘The poll suggests that a significant number of Americans remain skeptical about global warming. Of those surveyed, 31 percent said they agreed with the statement that “climate change is a total hoax.” That compares to 65 percent who disagreed.’
Q: How much of a role will climate change play in the 2016 presidential race?
A major role: 22%
A minor role: 71%
No role: 7%
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