Polar bear habitat update: Eastern Canada ice well above normal, lots of sea ice worldwide

Polar bear habitat update: Eastern Canada well above normal, lots of sea ice worldwide http://polarbearscience.com/2015/07/23/polar-bear-habitat-update-eastern-canada-well-above-normal-lots-of-sea-ice-worldwide Sea ice in at least three Eastern Canadian polar bear subpopulations is well above normal for this time of year, which means many bears are likely not ashore yet. The same is true in the Beaufort and Barents Seas – […]

Patrick J. Michaels testifies before the Committee of Natural Resources

Patrick J. Michaels testifies before the Committee of Natural Resources at the hearing “An Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Social Cost of Carbon” http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/07/22/patrick-j-michaels-testifies-before-the-committee-of-natural-resources-at-the-hearing-an-analysis-of-the-obama-administrations-social-cost-of-carbon Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels writes: In his introductory remarks, Congressman Lowenthal (D-NY) went on the usual these-witnesses-are-climate-deniers rant. As I was the next speaker, I re-wrote my oral testimony to point […]

Report: Recession, Not Fracking, Drove a Drop in U.S. CO2 Emissions

In effect, more than half the carbon decline was due to a drastic drop in the volume of goods consumed by the U.S. population. Almost a third of the drop could be attributed to changes in production structure, including offshoring American industries to China and other countries. Only 17 percent could be attributed to changes […]